

dbr.accordion - Organize report elements with accordions
dbr.accordion.close - Marks the end of an accordion
dbr.accordion.class - Define your own accordion-style with a class - Define your own accordion-style
dbr.columnfilter - Add a filter to a column. The filter hides non-matching rows
dbr.columnfilter.remember - Remember the user filter choise between page refreshes
dbr.column.filter - An alias for the dbr.columnfilter
dbr.columnhighlite - Add a filter to a column. The filter highlites matching rows
dbr.column.title - Define the title for a column in cases where the content of the column is dynamic
dbr.collapse - Collapse selected columns to make a more compact view
dbr.collapse.template - Use template for collapsed data
dbr.colsort - Alias for dbr.sortcol - Show database results side by side - Change compare behavior
dbr.divify - Use DIV's instead of tables in the output - Add additional header row to group columns
dbr.keepwithnext - Makes next element to be placed side by side with the current one
dbr.lockcolumns - Lock leftmost columns when resultset does not fit into the screen. The 'fixedrow' options allows variable height columns
dbr.no_data - Define a placeholder for queries that do not return any data
dbr.nosort - Disable sorting on specified columns - Make parameter input visible in the report
dbr.pageview - Show a row from the database in a page view
dbr.rank - Add rank to a column
dbr.refresh - Make the report automatically refresh itself at a given interval or just once if no parameters are given
dbr.resultset.options - Allows combining multiple result sets by skipping header/footer
dbr.rownum - myDBR replaces the command with the row number in the result set
dbr.rownum.set - Initialize the rownum-value - Disable/enable search & export for a given result set
dbr.scrollable - Make result set scrollable with a fixed number of rows
dbr.sort - Set initial sorting order
dbr.sortcol - Sort a column-based value from another column
dbr.sortmethod - Override the default sort method
dbr.sortorder - Override the default initial sort order. The default is 'intelligent'
dbr.sort.remember - Remember the user's sort order
dbr.header.tooltip - Define tooltip for the header
dbr.toggle - Set columns/rows togglable
dbr.toggle.options - Set toggle options
dbr.tooltip - Define the cell's tooltip
dbr.pager - Attach the pager component to a table report - Organize report elements with tabs - Define your own tab style with class - Mark the tab element as closed - Switch to the next unpopulated tab - Set's the default tab by name or by tab order number (0=first, 1=second) - Define your own tab style
dbr.localization - Override the default localization


select 'dbr.accordion', 'accordion name' [, 'jQuery accordion options']
select 'dbr.accordion.close'
select 'dbr.accordion.class', 'css_classname'
select '', 'css style definition'
select 'dbr.columnfilter', ColumnReference[[, 'select' [, 'desc', [list of values]] | 'multiselect' | 'text'], 'default="defaults"]
select 'dbr.columnfilter.remember', 1
select 'dbr.column.filter', ColumnReference[[, 'select' [, 'desc', [list of values]] | 'multiselect' | 'text'], 'default="defaults"]
select 'dbr.columnhighlite', ColumnReference[, 'select' ['desc'] | 'multiselect' | 'text']
select 'dbr.column.title', ColumnReference, title
select 'dbr.collapse', ColumnReference [,ColumnReference... ]
select 'dbr.collapse.template', template_name
select 'dbr.colsort', ColumnReferenceTo, ColumnReferenceFrom
select ''
select '' [no_compare ColumnRef, ColumnRef... | compare_column ColumnRef_Target, ColumnRef_Compare ]
select 'dbr.divify' [, 'css_classname']
select '', 'name', ColumnReferenceFrom, ColumnReferenceTo
select 'dbr.keepwithnext' [, pixels]
select 'dbr.lockcolumns', ColumnReferenceToLockTo [, 'fixedrow' ]
select 'dbr.no_data', 'message', 'css_classname'
select 'dbr.nosort', ColumnReference [,ColumnReference... ]
select ''
select 'dbr.pageview'
select 'dbr.rank', ColumnReferenceTo, ColumnReferenceFrom[, prefix]
select 'dbr.refresh' [[,seconds], ['counter', ['no_toggle']]]
select 'dbr.resultset.options', 'skip_header_footer' | 'skip_header' | 'skip_footer' | 'json'
select 'dbr.rownum', data from table
select 'dbr.rownum.set', value
select '', 1
select 'dbr.scrollable' [, number_of_rows_to_show ]
select 'dbr.sort', ColumnReference, 'asc' | 'desc'
select 'dbr.sortcol', ColumnReferenceTo, ColumnReferenceFrom
select 'dbr.sortmethod', ColumnReference, 'text' | 'number' | 'currency' | 'ipaddress' | 'url' | 'percent' | 'date' | 'time' | 'rownum'
select 'dbr.sortorder', ColumnReference, 'intelligent' | 'desc' | 'asc'
select 'dbr.sort.remember'
select 'dbr.header.tooltip', ColumnReferenceTo, 'Tooltip text'
select 'dbr.toggle', [columnslist, JSON_toggle]
select 'dbr.toggle.options', 'speed' | 'columns' | 'scroll' | 'select_all', value
select 'dbr.tooltip', ColumnReferenceTo, ColumnReferenceFrom
select 'dbr.pager' [, nbr of rows per page, [pager text] ]
select '', 'tab name' [, ajax_call_for_content | myDBR report ]
select '', 'css_classname'
select ''
select ''
select '', tab
select '', 'css style definition'
select 'dbr.localization', 'thousand_separator' | 'decimal_separator' | 'date_format' | 'time_format', localization_format


  • name Checkbox title
  • class (optional) Checkbox CSS-class (in case you wish to toggle the item via JavaScript)
  • resultclass (optional) CSS-class that will be added to the table when a checkbox is clicked
  • callback (optional) A JavaScript function to be called when a checkbox is clicked. The parameter passed to the function is the checkbox
  • cols (optional) An array of columns to be toggled when a checkbox is clicked
  • rows (optional) An array of row classes to be toggled when a checkbox is clicked
Toggle options
  • speed A string or a number determining how long the animation will run
  • columns How many columns will the toggle dialog show
  • scroll Determines if the toggle dialog shows a scrollbar (value=1)
  • select_all Determines if the toggle dialog shows a Select All/Deselect All checkbox in the header



The dbr.pageview command is used to show one row in a record-style format.


Select a single row as a result set:

  select title, description, release_year, special_features, last_update 
  from f
  where film_id=1;

Result is a single row.

when we apply the dbr.pageview command we get the result out in the following, more readable layout:

  select 'dbr.pageview';

  select title, description, release_year, special_features, last_update 
  from f
  where film_id=1;

Collapsible Columns


Sometimes, the number of columns in a report can make it too wide and difficult to read. With collapse functionality, you can hide some columns from the initial display but still allow users to show them by clicking the row.

The collapse functionality is similar to the 'inline' linked report, but unlike the collapsible feature, it doesn't require a linked report. The 'inline' linked report offers more layout flexibility.

Adding the CSS class collapse_open to a row will open the row by default. Alternatively, you can use a template with collapsible rows using the command dbr.collapse.template.

  select 'dbr.collapse', 'ID', 'Year', 'Date', 'Image';
  select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Image', '[width:150px]image';


Placing Elements Side by Side

The dbr.keepwithnext command.

By default, a myDBR report lays out elements on separate lines. To place elements next to each other, use dbr.keepwithnext. Optional parameters can define the space around the elements. For more details, refer to layouts.

Creating an Automatic Row Number

The dbr.rownum command.

You can instruct myDBR to generate automatic row numbers using dbr.rownum. In the following example, the report outputs two columns, with the first column displaying row numbers.

    select 'dbr.rownum' as 'Row number', title
    from film;

Adding Additional Column Header Group

The command.

Group normal query columns (not crosstab) with an additional header row using

select '', 'Used', 'hours_used', 'cost_used';
select '', 'Budget', 'hours_budget', 'cost_budget';

    phase as 'Phase', 
    hours_used as 'Hours[hours_used]', 
    cost_used as 'Cost[cost_used]', 
    hours_budget 'Hours[hours_budget]', 
    cost_budget as 'Cost[cost_budget]'

Set Column Sorting and Override the Default Sorting Method for a Column

dbr.sort, dbr.sortmethod, dbr.colsort

By default, myDBR reports make columns sortable, allowing users to sort by clicking the header. myDBR supports multilevel sorting and offers various sorting methods that intelligently handle different data types. The dbr.sort command specifies a column and its sorting order. Multiple dbr.sort commands enable multilevel sorting.

Example: Define predefined sorting orders, such as ascending by amount and ascending by IP address. Ensure that the first column, containing both IP addresses and hostnames, is sorted alphabetically. Sort the IP address column based on its actual numerical value.

select 'dbr.sort', 'amount', 'desc';

select 'dbr.crosstab', 'Quarter';
select 'dbr.sum', 'amount';
select 'dbr.hsum', 'amount';
select 'dbr.hidecolumn', 'down'; // This is used for sorting

select 'dbr.sortmethod', 'Host', 'text';
select 'dbr.sort', 'amount', 'asc';
select 'dbr.sort', 'ip', 'asc';
select 'dbr.sortcol', 'Down since', 'down'; // Sort 'Down since'-column based on datetime from column 'down'

  status as 'Status',
  host_ip as 'Host', 
  ip_address as 'IP Address[ip]', 
  date_format(down, '%D %b, %H:%i') as 'Down since',
  quarter as 'Quarter', 
  amount as '[amount]'
from mydb.mytable;

Add a rank column

A rank column is added based on the order of the rows. The referecnce column determines if the subsequent rows have same rank. The command does not sort the rows, but works against the column order from the query.

select 'dbr.rank', '#', 'v', 'T';

select null as '#', 10 as v
union all
select null, 20
union all
select null, 20
union all
select null, 20
union all
select null, 30
union all
select null, 30
union all
select null, 40
union all
select null, 50
order by v;

Disabling Sorting on Selected Columns


If you determine that a specific column or the entire result set should not be sortable, you can disable sorting accordingly. The dbr.nosort command allows you to disable sorting on selected columns or altogether. If no columns are specified or the column number is set to zero, sorting is disabled for the entire report. Disabling sorting can be beneficial for large result sets because sorting is performed via JavaScript in the browser. This optimization can improve report initialization speed, especially when dealing with large datasets on slower machines or browsers.

Disable the sorting on image column:

select 'dbr.nosort', 'Preview';

select 'Part 1' as 'Part name', 
       'WDC-2345-1' as 'Code', 
       'dbr.html:<img src="">' as 'Preview'
select 'Part 2', 
       'dbr.html:<img src="">'
select 'Part 3', 
       'dbr.html:<img src="">';

Now user can sort columns 1 and 2, but sorting on column 3 is disabled:

Search/Export Visibility

By default, myDBR places the objects export and search/filter functionality behind a small triangle. You can modify this behavior using the command. Setting it to 1 will display the export/filter area by default, while setting it to 0 hides the filter altogether.

  select '', 1;

Additionally, you can configure the export and search/filter functionality to be visible by default by adding the following rule to your userstyle.css: { display: block; }

You can also set the search/export feature to be on by default by adding $mydbr_defaults['search'] = true; to the defaults.

Auto Refresh


When used, the report will automatically refresh itself at a given interval.

The first optional parameter for the command is 'seconds', indicating the interval after which the report is refreshed. When 'seconds' is not provided, the refresh is done immediately. An immediate refresh is used, for example, when an editable report returns the dbr.refresh command, after which the edited values in the report will be displayed.

The second optional parameter is the constant 'counter'. When applied, the elapsed seconds will be shown at the top of the report, and the user can pause the counter by clicking on it.

The third optional parameter is the constant 'no_toggle'. When applied, a counter will be visible, but the user cannot stop the counter.

select 'dbr.refresh', 5; /* Refresh after 5 seconds */
select 'dbr.refresh', 50, 'counter'; /* Refresh after 50 seconds. User can stop the counter by clicking on it. */
select 'dbr.refresh', 50, 'counter', 'no_toggle'; /* Refresh after 50 seconds. User cannot stop the counter. */

Set Dynamic Column Title


If a column contains dynamic data, its title can also be dynamic.

if (in_Gross>0) then
  select 'dbr.column.title', 'grossnet', 'Gross';
  select 'dbr.column.title', 'grossnet', 'Net';
end if

select Name, if ( in_Gross>0, gross, net ) as '[grossnet]'
from mytable;

Show Parameters Within the Report

By default, a myDBR report allows parameters to be changed when the user clicks the "Change report parameters" button. The command makes the values visible by default.

select '';

Use DIV's Instead of Tables


By default, myDBR shows report results as HTML tables. The dbr.divify command allows using DIVs instead. This enables more flexible formatting with CSS and post-processing with JavaScript.

An example query:

select 'dbr.divify', 'divifythis';
select 'dbr.hidecolumns', 'divrow';
select 'dbr.rowclass', 'divrow';

select name, population, code, 'divrow'
from countries;

This will produce the following HTML code:

<div class="divifythis">
  <div class="divrow">
    <div class="name">Maldives</div>
    <div class="population">286 000</div>
    <div class="code">MDV</div>
  <div class="divrow">
    <div class="name">Brunei</div>
    <div class="population">328 000</div>
    <div class="code">BRN</div>

Paging Result Sets


myDBR provides a client-side pager for browsing larger result sets.

This pager allows you to embed larger table elements into the report while maintaining control over the element's size. It displays a pager component above the result set, enabling users to navigate through the results efficiently.

select 'dbr.colstyle', 'release', '%d'; // Formatting the year -> will not use the thousand separator

select 'dbr.pager', 5;

select title as 'Title',
       release_year as 'Release Year[release]',
       rental_rate as 'Rental Rate',
       length as 'Length'
from film;

The pager component is a client-side feature designed for managing manageable result set sizes on the client side. For very large result sets, it's advisable to limit the number of rows or utilize linked reports, as users typically struggle to handle very large sets.

Using Tabs to Organize Your Report Content,,,

Tabs in myDBR allow you to divide report content into multiple sections that can be switched to save space or organize information more effectively. Each tab can either contain static elements or fetch content dynamically via Ajax when clicked.

To create tabs, start by using the command. The first parameter is the tab's name, and the optional second parameter can be a URL for an Ajax call or the name of a myDBR report (including parameters) that will be fetched when the tab is clicked. If no second parameter is provided, the tab's content is expected to follow later in the report.

After declaring tabs, define the content for each tab that does not fetch content dynamically (via Ajax or myDBR report). Use the command to select the next tab that hasn't been assigned an Ajax URL or myDBR report.

Customize the appearance of tabs using and These commands are useful for setting custom styles, such as fixed tab widths while allowing variable content widths between tabs.

/* Declare the tabs. The second tab is fetched via ajax when the user clicks the tab. In case of myDBR report add &embed=1 to the end of the URL */

select '', 'First tab';
select '', 'myDBR report tab', 'sp_DBR_linked_report', v_param_1;
select '', 'Ajax tab', 'report.php?r=548&m=1&h=55589f83ec7daa84432118425499bd5875f6d6fa&embedi=1';
select '', 'Fourth tab';

/* Now the tabs are declared, so the content of 'First tab' is populated */

select 'dbr.title', 'First tab title';

select ID, Title, release_year as 'Year'
from film;

/* moves to next unpopulated tab which is the 'Fourth tab' */
select '';

call sp_DBR_another_report( inMyParam );

select '';

Using Accordions to Organize Your Report Content

dbr.accordion, dbr.accordion.close,, dbr.accordion.class

An accordion is a user interface element, similar to a horizontal tab, designed to display a limited number of items at once.

To create an accordion in myDBR, start with the dbr.accordion command. Each subsequent dbr.accordion command adds a new accordion section to the existing accordion. Place the content for each accordion section immediately after the corresponding dbr.accordion command. Close the accordion with dbr.accordion.close once all sections are defined.

Customize the behavior of the accordion using jQuery accordion options as the second parameter to dbr.accordion. For example, use the 'active' option to define the default open section (starting from zero). Use 'active:false' to have all sections closed by default. Enable multiple sections to be open simultaneously with 'multiopen:true'. Separate multiple options with commas, like 'active:false, multiopen:true'.

Adjust the accordion's style using and dbr.accordion.class. The former applies CSS styles directly, while the latter assigns a CSS class to the accordion wrapper div.

select 'dbr.text', "Before accordion", 'comment';

select '', 'width:700px';

select 'dbr.accordion', 'First accordion';

select 'dbr.text', "This is part of 'First accordion'-content", 'comment';

/* Some other content for first accordion */

select 'dbr.accordion', 'Second accordion';

call sp_DBR_accordion_2_content();

select 'dbr.accordion', 'Third accordion';

select ID, Title

select 'dbr.accordion.close';

select 'dbr.text', "After accordion", 'comment';

Placeholder for Nonexistent Data


You can define a placeholder for queries that return no data. By default, myDBR outputs the query header without any rows, and for charts, it creates a placeholder chart element. Use the dbr.no_data command to display a custom message instead.

If no CSS class is specified, myDBR applies the default style defined by 'div.no_data'. To use a custom CSS class, include it as the second parameter of the command.

select 'dbr.no_data', "No films were found", 'comment';

select ID, Title
where film_creation>'2020-01-01';

Sticky Headers

By default, a myDBR report uses sticky headers, where the table headers stay fixed on the screen as the user scrolls the document. You can disable this behavior by adding the CSS class fixedheader to the result set.

Lock Leftmost Columns


When dealing with a wide result set and scrolling horizontally, you may want to keep the leftmost columns always visible. The dbr.lockcolumns command allows you to achieve this. Its first parameter specifies the last column to remain locked. An optional second parameter, 'fixedrow', maintains a constant row height, which is useful when cell data spans multiple rows.

select 'dbr.lockcolumns', 'title';

from film f;

Using Column Filters


Column filters enable you to filter rows based on the data in each column. A column filter can be implemented as a select list, a multiselect list, or a text field. For select lists, you can optionally sort the values in descending order using the parameter desc.

By default, select and multiselect filters display all possible values from the column. You can append additional values, useful when editing reports add new entries. Default values for filters can be set using the default=value syntax for select and text filters, while multiselect filters use a JSON array format like default=["First","Second"].

By default, the column filter maintains a fixed table width to ensure a consistent user interface. If you prefer a dynamic table width based on content, add the resultclass attribute flexible-width-columnfilter to the result set.

select 'dbr.columnfilter', 'Category', 'select';
select 'dbr.columnfilter', 'Title', 'text';

select as 'Category',
    title as 'Title'
from film f
    join film_category fg on f.film_id=fg.film_id
    join category g on g.category_id =fg.category_id;

Setting initial defalt values:

select 'dbr.columnfilter', 'Category', 'select', 'default=Classics';
select 'dbr.columnfilter', 'Title', 'text', 'default="The Shawshank Redemption"';
select 'dbr.columnfilter', 'Year', 'multiselect', 'default=["1994","1995"]';

select as 'Category',
    title as 'Title',
    release_year as 'Year'
from film f
    join film_category fg on f.film_id=fg.film_id
    join category g on g.category_id =fg.category_id;

Additional values in case it's a editable report adding new values

select 'dbr.columnfilter', 'Category', 'select', 'Classics', 'Horror', 'Additional category';

select as 'Category',
    title as 'Title',
    release_year as 'Year'
from film f
    join film_category fg on f.film_id=fg.film_id
    join category g on g.category_id =fg.category_id;

Toggle Columns/Rows


With dbr.toggle, users can toggle the visibility of selected columns/rows. When dbr.toggle is used without parameters, users are shown a list of columns whose visibility they can toggle. If you want users to toggle only selected columns, list the ColumnReferences as parameters. This gives you full control over the items to be toggled/postprocessed.

select 'dbr.toggle';

select film_id as 'ID', title as 'Title', description as 'Description'
from film f;

Example With Complete Control of Rows/Columns/Styles

You can pass a JSON array as a parameter to dbr.toggle. Each element in the array represents one toggle. The first one toggles the rows with the 'account' CSS class. The checkbox will have a CSS class 'rowbutton', and the CSS class 'toggledrows' will be added or removed from the table when toggled. Finally, the JavaScript function is called to allow full customization of the toggle. The other item, 'Show/Hide columns', simply toggles the selected columns.

Instead of displaying the toggle menu for the user, buttons are shown, and the checkboxes are clicked via JavaScript.

-- Hide the toggle icon, we'll use buttons instead
select 'dbr.css', '.toggle_img {display:none}';

select 'dbr.purehtml', '<input type="button" value="Hide/show detail rows" onclick="$(''.rowbutton'')[0].click();">';
select 'dbr.purehtml', '<input type="button" value="Hide/show extra columns" onclick="$(''.colbutton'')[0].click();">';

select 'dbr.javascript', 'function myfunc(checkbox) { alert("Callback"); }';
select 'dbr.toggle','[
   "name":"Show/Hide rows",
   "callback": "myfunc"
select 'dbr.toggle','[
  "name":"Show/Hide columns",
   "cols":["thisyear_ga", "thisyear_format", "lastyear", "chg"]

select ...
from pl_statement...

Initial report

Output when columns and rows are toggled, and the CSS class is applied to the result:

Resultset Options


Result set options allow you to combine multiple result sets into one table. A result set can originate from a query or a template inserted into the report element. This feature is also utilized with the 'json' option in SQL Server and Sybase to indicate that the data will be JSON.


With, you can display rows of result sets side-by-side and optionally format values such as minimum, maximum, and equal from different rows.

By default, each cell is assigned a CSS class (compare_min, compare_max, compare_same). You can exclude a column from comparison using with 'no_compare', 'ColumnRef'. Additionally, you can specify a column for comparison for a selected column by using with 'compare_column', 'ColumnRef_Target', 'ColumnRef_Compare'.

select 'dbr.css', '.compare_min {background: green; color:white;}';
select 'dbr.css', '.compare_max {background: red; color:white}';
select 'dbr.css', '.compare_same {background: #d0edfe;}';

select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Description', '[width:200px]';
select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Release year', '%d';

select '';

-- Do not compare Title and film_id columns
select '', 'no_compare', 'Title', 'film_id';

-- Compare Description-column based on film_id
select '', 'compare_column', 'Description', 'film_id';

  f.title as 'Title',
  f.description as 'Description',
  f.release_year as 'Release year', 
  f.rental_rate as 'Rental rate',
  f.length as 'Length',
from f
where f.film_id in (1, 3, 8);