- Create a chart from the following result setdbr.chart.options
- Assign special options for the chartdbr.chart.color
- Define own colorsdbr.chart.gv.option
- Specify GraphViz chart options
select 'dbr.chart', chart_type, [ chart_name [, xSize, ySize ] ]
select 'dbr.chart.options', option [, value]
select 'dbr.chart.color', hex ARGB color [, hex ARGB color]
select 'dbr.chart.gv.option', option
Chart options:
- converts Category and Series in multi-series charts
axis, x [, y [, y2]]
- sets x and y axis name as defined in parameter (select 'dbr.chart.options','axis', 'x-axis', 'y-axis', 'y-axis2')
showvalues, 0 | 1 | 'data' | 'total' | 'percent'
- shows (1) or hides (0) values in a chart. 'data' shows values in indivudual data points, 'total' shows values in aggregate, 'percent' shows percentage instead of the value
alternatecolor, color1, color2
- set's chart canvas colors ( color1 and color2 )
scale, min, max[, step]
- set's y-axis min and max values (select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scale', 300, 700)
scale2, min, max[, step]
- set's 2nd y-axis min and max values (select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scale', 300, 700)
scale_x, min, max[, step]
- set's x-axis min and max values (select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scale_x', 0, 100)
rotateNames, degree
- rotates the x-axis names to the degree specified
numberSuffix, 'suffix'
- sets visible suffix for values (use dbr.colstyle for image charts)
showLegend, 0
- hides legend from multi-series chart
font [,font] [,font_size]
- Set chart font/font size for all chart elements (axis, title, lables etc) all at once
shading, shading_value [edgeColor[, edgeWidth]]
- Pie chart shading value and sector edge definition. Possible shading options: ('LocalGradientShading', 'GlobalGradientShading', 'ConcaveShading', 'RoundedEdgeShading', 'RadialShading', 'FlatShading' and 'RingShading')
See more info from ChartDirector documentation.
marker series, [marker, [size, [edge_color]]]
- Specify a marker type and size used in chart (scatter/line).
If the marker_series is null same marker type is used in all series.
format, imageformat
- Defines the image format (PNG, SVG, GIF, JPG, WMP, BMP, SVGZ)
3d, depth[, angle]
- Defines 3D depth in pixels (-1=auto, 0=2D, >1 depth in pixels). Optional angle for Pie-charts
autoscale_x [ topExtension [, bottomExtension [, zeroAffinity ]]]
- Autoscale the chart x-axis to see differences better
autoscale_y [ topExtension [, bottomExtension [, zeroAffinity ]]]
- Autoscale the chart y-axis to see differences better
chart.scale scale_percentage
- Scale the chart to the given percentage of the screen. SVG-charts scale best.
datetimescale, 1 [, lower_limit, upper_limit [, major_tick_inc, [minor_tick_inc]]]
- Treats first column as a datetime and uses datetime scaling on X-axis, optionally setting scaling, major and minor ticks. The lower_limit and upper_limit are datetimes or times and major_tick_inc and minor_tick_inc are seconds.
timevalue, 1
- Converts the seconds the in data column to a time value allowing times >24h to be displayed in the chart
- use cartesian coordinate system in the chart
axis_noscale, 1/0
- Do not sync x- and y-axis on cartesian charts
- Use numeric scaling for the axis
background_color, color
- Set chart background color
edge_color, color
- Set chart's edge color
plot_edge_color, color
- Set plot's edge color
grid_color_horizontal, color
- Set chart's horizontal grid color
grid_color_vertical, color
- Set chart's vertical grid color
raised_effect, raised
- Set edge raise in pixels
title_font, font
- Set title font
title_font_size, size
- Set title font size
title_color, color
- Set title color
title.wrap, character_count[, cut]
- Wraps title text to defined character length. Word-wrap when cut is not defined. if cut==1, cut long words
axis_font, font
- Set axis font
axis_font_size, size
- Set axis font size
axis_color, color
- Set axis color
fix_y_axis, 1
- Set y-axis alignment to right to fix SVG chart text spacing when font spacing is not correct in ChartDirector
x_axis_max_width, width
- Set maximum length of x axis in a XY-chart
y_axis_max_width, width
- Set maximum length of x axis in a XY-chart
z_axis_max_width, width
- Set maximum length of x axis in a XY-chart
x2_axis.show, 1
- Show the second x-axis
x_axis_margin, margin
- Add extra margin at the ends of the x-axis
x2_axis_margin, margin
- Add extra margin at the ends of the second x-axis
x_axis_color, color
- Set x-axis color
y_axis_color, color
- Set y-axis color
x2_axis_color, color
- Set x2-axis color
y_axis_color, color
- Set y-axis color
z_axis_color, color
- Set z-axis color
y2_axis_color, color
- Set y2-axis font color
x_axis_font_color, color
- Set x-axis font color
y_axis_font_color, color
- Set y-axis font color
x2_axis_font_color, color
- Set x2-axis font color
y_axis_font_color, color
- Set y-axis color
y2_axis_font_color, color
- Set y2-axis color
z_axis_font_color, color
- Set z-axis color
y_axis_label_style, colstyle
- Set style for y-axis labels
y2_axis_label_style, colstyle
- Set style for y2-axis labels
x_axis_tick_middle, 1 | 0
- Define if tick-marks are placed in middle of title in x-axis
padding_top, padding
- Set top padding in pixels
padding_left, padding
- Set left padding in pixels
padding_bottom, padding
- Set bottom padding in pixels
padding_right, padding
- Set right padding in pixels
title.align, 'left' | 'chart'
- Align chart title to left of chart/middle of chart instead of the default middle of plot area
hide 'all | ('bg', 'yaxis', 'xaxis', 'grid')
- Hide parts of the chart: all (show just the chart, bg=plot area background, x-axis, y-axis, grid)
radius, radius
- Set pie/funnel radius in pixels
label_font, font
- Set label font
label_font_size, size
- Set label font size
label_font_color, color
- Set label color
label_data_font, font
- Set label font for multiseries data
label_data_font_size, size
- Set label font size for multiseries data
label_data_font_color, color
- Set label color for multiseries data
label.max.width, width
- Set maximun width for pie/donut chart labels
explode, label, pixels
- Separate pie/donut section from the chart
label.align, alignment
- Set label alignment (bottomleft, bottomcenter, bottomright, left, center, righ, toplef, topcenter, toprigh, bottom, top, topleft2, topright2, bottomleft2, bottomright2)
label_color, label, color
- Allows you to define a color based on a label name (XY-charts)
or based on the series name (multi-series charts)
legend.padding, px
- Adds padding between legend and Radar- and Polar-charts
radius.zoom, percentage
- Zooms the Radar- and Polar-chart's radius for better fit
label.wrap, character_count[, cut]
- Wraps label text to defined character length. Word-wrap when cut is not defined. if cut==1, cut long words
legend.columns, column_nbr
- Sets number of legends to use
legend_font, font
- Set legend font
legend_font_size, size
- Set legend font size
legend_color, color
- Set legend color
legend.position, 'left' | 'right | 'top' | 'bottom'
- Set legend position
legend.style, 'background_color', 'edge_color', 'rounded_border[TL]', ['rounded_borderTR', 'rounded_borderBR', 'rounded_borderBL']
- Set legend style
legend_reverse, 1
- Reverse the legend order
line_width, width [, label]
- Line width in line chart. Optionally selecting the label
line.style[ series_name,] 'dash' | 'dot' | 'dotdash' | 'altdash'
- Line style. series_name is required in multiseries chart.
bargap, 0..1
- Controls the gap between columns. Value is percentage <=1 (negative value overlaps).
subbargap, 0..1
- Controls the gap between individual columns in multiseries column chart. Value is percentage <=1 (negative value overlaps).
width_per_item, width
- When chart width is set to 'auto', this option determines the width for each item
height_per_item, width
- When chart height is set to 'auto', this option determines the height_per_item for each item
export_as_png, 1/0
- When doing export on a SVG chart, the option will determine if the chart is drawn as png (some wkhtmltopddf versions may render some charts poorly). Global option in defaults.php
exists for this.
softlightning, 1/0
- Determines if softlightning is used on charts.
series, 'series1' [, 'series2' [, 'series3'..,]]
- Defines the series order in multiseries chart
category_order, 'category1' [, 'category2' [, 'category3'..,]]
- Defines the category display order in multiseries charts.
category_sort, 'string', 'numeric' | 'natural'
- Set category display sorting order
mark, value, color, width, [, 'text' [, text_angle]]
- Add a mark line to a XY-chart
target, color, width in px, height (0-1)
- Add a target mark for bar and column charts (3rd data column)
series_axis, series_name, 1 | 2
- Choose the axis for the series in double Y-axis charts.
InnerRing, size
- Meter-chart inner ring proportional size
OuterRing, size
- Meter-chart outer ring proportional size
skip_null_values, 0
- By default, the report's NULL values in charts are treated as missing values. If this option
is turned on, they are treated as zeros
allow_gaps, 1
- If the option is turned on, missing values (or values containing NULL) are
drawn into a line chart allowing gaps to appear to the line(s). This option turns the markers in the line on by default in order to
show values that appear between two missing values. See 'marker'-option how to specify the marker.
tooltip, '[ColumnReference] [ColumnReference]'
- Define the mouse tooltip content with the ability to refer to data columns
tooltip_y2, '[ColumnReference] [ColumnReference]'
- Define the mouse tooltip content for the values in the second y-axis
tooltip_animate, 1/0
- Allows disabling tooltip animation
xy_plot_fill, 1/0
- Use full chart area for the plot area and hide the axis
trendline, line_color[, title, line_width [, SeriesName], [regrssion_type [,regression_degree]]]
- Adds a trendline to the chart (line, column, bar)
gantt.scale, days
- Scale of the chart. Use 30 for a month
gantt.start, date
- If specified, marks the start date for the chart. If not, the first date in data is used
gantt.end, date
- If specified, marks the end date for a the chart. If not, the last date in data is used
gantt.baseline, label, start, end
- Sets the baseline for a label
gantt.baseline_text, text
- Baseline text, if not specified 'Baseline' is used if baselines are defined
gantt.baseline_pattern.border, color
- Baseline marker's border color
gantt.baseline_pattern.color, color
- Baseline marker's background color
gantt.baseline_pattern.width, px
- Baseline marker's width
gantt.baseline_pattern.height, px
- Baseline marker's height
gantt.dateline, day
- Extra date line
gantt.label.height, px
- Height of the gantt labels
gantt.single_label, 1
- Use just one row / label
gantt.start_of_day_format, chartdirector_date_format
- ChartDirector date format for day gantt
gantt.start_of_hour_format, chartdirector_time_format
- ChartDirector time format for hour gantt
gantt.start_of_month_format, chartdirector_date_format
- ChartDirector date format for day gantt when month changes
scale, minimum, maximum, step
- Y-Axis scale, If 'auto', scales x and y-axis equally in bubble-chart
scale2, minimum, maximum, step
- 2nd Y-Axis scale
equal_scale_dy, 1/0
- Control scaling of Y-axis on DoubleY charts
bubble.scale, 'x'|'y'|'pixel'
- Individual bubble size relative to y-axis, x-axis or pixels.
bubble.transparency, 30
- Bubble transparency to show overlapping bubbles
meter.text, text
- Optional text shown in a meter-chart.
meter.text.font, font
- Text font (default is arial)
meter.text.size, size
- Text size (default is 8)
meter.text.color, color
- Text color (default is black)
linearmeter.orientation, 'horizontal'|'vertical'
- Linearmeter orientation. Default is horizontal.
linearmeter.zone, from, to, color
- By default, the zones are 0-33 green, 33-66 yellow and 66-100 red. With this option, you can define your own zones.
linearmeter.height, height
- Linearmeter height in pixels, default is 20 pixels.
linearmeter.width, width
- Same as linearmeter height
linearmeter.text, text
- Optional text shown in linearmeter.
linearmeter.text.font, font
- Text font (default is arial)
linearmeter.text.size, size
- Text size (default is 8)
linearmeter.text.color, color
- Text color (default is black)
linearmeter.pointer.color, color
- Pointer color
meter.theme, theme
- Select the meter theme ('black', 'white', 'default')
meter.title.font, font
- Set meter title font
meter.title.size, size
- Set meter title font size
meter.title.color, color
- Set meter title font color ('0xFF0000')
meter.text, text
- Set the meter text
meter.text.font, font
- Set meter text font
meter.text.size, size
- Set meter text font size
meter.text.color, color
- Set meter text font color ('0xFF0000')
meter.label.font, font
- Set meter label font
meter.label.size, size
- Set meter label font size
meter.label.color, color
- Set meter label font color ('0xFF0000')
meter.pointer.color, color
- Set meter pointer color ('0xFF0000')
meter.color.type, 'step' | 'gradient'
- Select if the meter colors are individual (steps) or gradient (the default)
meter.color.step, step, color
- Define step colors
meter.color.gradient, step, color
- Define gradient colors
polar.grid, axis_color, axis_width, polar_color, polar_width,
- Define chart colors for polarscatter-chart
zone, from_value, to_value, color
- Set background color for zones, range of values
donut.size size
- Donut thickness
donut.orientation 1/-1
Donut rotation clockwise / counterclockwise
donut.text text
- Donut text
- font size
- font name
- font color
donutpercent.orientation 1/-1
- DonutPercent chart orientation. 1=clockwise, -1 anticlockwise
donutpercent.size size
- Donut thickness
donutpercent.text text
- Text inside the donut
donutpercent.font.name font
- Font for the text inside the donut
donutpercent.font.size size
- Font size for the text inside the donut
donutpercent.font.color color
- Font color for the text inside the donut
semidonutpercent.size size
- Donut thickness
semidonutpercent.text text
- Text inside the donut
semidonutpercent.font.name font
- Font for the text inside the donut
semidonutpercent.font.size size
- Font size for the text inside the donut
semidonutpercent.font.color color
- Font color for the text inside the donut
scatter3d.x_axis_labels label
- Replace x-axis numbers with a text label
scatter3d.y_axis_labels label
- Replace y-axis numbers with a text label
scatter3d.z_axis_labels label
- Replace z-axis numbers with a text label
scatter3d.drop_line Series | null, color | null, 'dash' | 'dot' | 'dotdash' | 'altdash'
- Define marker and the drop line type for the data point
scatter3d.plot_area center_x, center_y, xwidth, ydepth, zheight
- Manually define the plot area
scatter3d.view_angle elevation, rotation
- Set the orientation of the chart in degrees
scatter3d.wall_color xy_color, yz_color, zx_color, border_color
- Define charts wall colors
scatter3d.z-legend 1
- Use single gradient legend for MSScatter3d chart instead of separate series legends
GraphViz options
- pass diagram level parameters on to the chart (see example).
node 'format in comma-separated list'
- sets node characteristics as Graphviz commands in Network chart
chart_scale, 1
- Adds a UI element where user can scale Graphviz charts
Image chart's labels can be formatted using the normal 'dbr.colstyle' command (CSS is not supported). 'dbr.colstyle' also accepts ChartDirector's parameter substitution and formatting and ChartDirector Mark Up Language with dbr.colstyle. The style-string can contain:
In the example, the style string includes a column reference ('[name]'), a value printf ('%.2f'), and a ChartDirector's parameter substitution string ({percent|0}).
select 'dbr.chart', 'pie'; select 'dbr.colstyle', 'value', '[name]: US$ %.2fK ({percent|0}%)'; select 'First' as 'name', 1.1 as 'value' union select 'Second', 2.2 union select 'Third', 3.3;
The example show multiple options to be applied to the chart
declare v_s varchar(80); declare v_w varchar(80); declare v_color1 varchar(10); declare v_color2 varchar(10); set v_s = 'Sociology Doctorates Awarded (US)'; set v_w = 'Worldwide non-commercial space launches'; set v_color1 = '0xA9001D'; set v_color2 = '0x000000'; select 'dbr.title', ''; select 'dbr.chart', 'mssplineDY', concat('<*size=16,color=A9001D*>', v_w, '\n<*color=AAAAAA*>correlates with\n<*color=000000*>', v_s), 1200, 500; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'font', 12; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scale', 30, 60, 10; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scale2', 500, 700, 100; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'rotateNames', 45; select 'dbr.chart.color', v_color1, v_color2; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', v_w, 'DiamondShape', 12, v_color1; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', v_s, 'CircleShape', 12, v_color2; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'x2_axis.show', 1; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'x_axis_margin', 20; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'x2_axis_margin', 20; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'y_axis_font_color', v_color1; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'x2_axis_font_color', v_color1; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'y_axis_label_style', '%d Launches'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'y2_axis_label_style', '%d Degrees Awarded'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'axis', '', v_w, v_s; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'legend', 1; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'legend.position', 'bottom'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'legend.columns', 1; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'tooltip', '[sw]: [v]'; select y, sw, v from mydb.mydata;
ChartDirector offers a variety of options for chart formatting. ChartDirector is implemented using PHP class directives,
and for native commands, myDBR offers direct access to myDBR's ChartDirector chart object ($c), the layer object ($layer), and the trend layers array ($trend_layers).
Commands are passed as PHP code snippets using the 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartdirector'
select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartdirector', '$c->chartdirectorcommand';
In the example, we'll change the y-axis to logarithmic and set minimum and maximum values, display only every second x-axis label, set the border and background to gray, and finally display a drop shadow for the chart.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Line', 'Chart'; select 'dbr.chart.options','rotateNames', 90; select 'dbr.chart.options','showvalues', 0; select 'dbr.chart.options','chartdirector', '$c->yAxis->setLogScale(300,700);$c->xAxis->setLabelStep(2);'; select 'dbr.chart.options','chartdirector', '$c->setBorder(0xEEEEEE);$c->setBackground(0xeeeeee);$c->setDropShadow();'; select Name, sum(Items) from mydb.TestTable where year(InsertDate)=2008 group by Name;
For a full description of ChartDirector's class library, see the ChartDirector documentation.
If you have multiple charts and wish to keep the same colors between different charts, you can define colors based on labels (or series). If you use the same color for the same labels in many places, it is easier to create a helper procedure so your definitions can be found in one place.
You can also leave out the optional color definition. If one is not set, the color is defined from the normal color set.
select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', 'Q1', '0x006F00'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', 'Q2', '0xFF66CC'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', 'Q3', '0x9900FF'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', 'Q4', '0x99FFCC'; select 'dbr.chart', 'mscolumn'; select Name, Quarter, sum(Items) from mydb.TestTable group by Name, Quarter; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', 'Q1', '0x006F00'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', 'Q2', '0xFF66CC'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', 'Q3', '0x9900FF'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', 'Q4', '0x99FFCC'; select 'dbr.chart', 'Column'; select Quarter, sum(Items) from mydb.TestTable group by Quarter;
For scatter charts, you can select a different marker for each category.
select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', 'category_name', ['Marker'[, size]];
Markers available starting from left bottom:
Some markers have parameters which alter the marker appearance.
select 'dbr.chart', 'scatter'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', 'Amrak', 'TriangleShape', 12; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', 'Baxtor', 'InvertedTriangleShape'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', 'Detac', 'SquareShape'; select category, x, y from mydb.mydata order by category;
You can use the normal 'dbr.colstyle'-command to format the image chart values.
A trendline can be added to XY and scatter charts using trendline-options.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Column', 'Trendline'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'trendline', '0x008000' , 'Trendline', 5; /* Add a legend to the trendline */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartdirector','$legendObj = $c->addLegend(50, 8, false, "", 8)->setBackground(Transparent);'; select supplier, sum(items) from mydata group by supplier;
You can hide parts of the chart with the 'hide' option. In the example, we'll hide the plot background, both axes, and the grid to create a cleaner-looking chart with the label showing the value.
select 'dbr.chart', 'bar', 'Matching type', 300, 'auto'; select 'dbr.colstyle', 2, '%.1f %'; -- Hide background, both axis and the grid select 'dbr.chart.options', 'hide', 'bg,yaxis,xaxis,grid'; -- Title aligned to center of chart (instead of plot area) select 'dbr.chart.options', 'title.align', 'chart'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'height_per_item', 30; select 'Automatically matched', 79.2 union select 'Manually matched', 11.9 union select 'Unmatched', 8.9;
The result is shown right. The same chart without the options is shown in left.
The ChartDirector option has a variable $trend_layers
that can be used to add functionality to a trendline.
In the example, Confidence Band and Prediction Band are added.
select 'dbr.chart', 'scatter', 'Scatter chart with trendline, confidence and prediction band'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', 'Server AAA', 'TriangleShape', 16; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', 'Server BBB', 'InvertedTriangleShape', 26; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'trendline', '0x008000', 'AAA Trend', 4, 'Server AAA'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'trendline', '0x1EC41B', 'BBB Trend', 4, 'Server BBB'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartdirector', '$trend_layers[0]->addConfidenceBand(0.5, 0x806666ff); $trend_layers[0]->addPredictionBand(0.5, 0x8066ff66); $trend_layers[0]->setRegressionType(PolynomialRegression(2));'; select server, x, y from mydata;
myDBR allows you to create charts based on the result set. myDBR supports multiple charting modules with different capabilities:
Charts can be divided into four categories:
To create a chart, you need to select the chart type and then fetch the appropriate data for the chart. Here is an example of generating a sample pie chart.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Pie', 'Sample Pie chart'; select category, total_sales from mydb.sales_by_film_category;
Depending on the selected chart type, the data must be selected accordingly:
For multi-series charts (MS), use the following data selection:
select Series (x), Category (label), Value (y) from mydb.Data;
For a scatter chart, use the following data selection:
select Series, x, y from mydb.Data;
For a scatterline chart, use the following data selection:
select Series, x, y, 'scatter' | 'line' from mydb.Data;
For a boxwhisker chart, use the following data selection:
select Series, bottom, top, [min, [max, [middle]]] from mydb.Data;
For a Scatter3D chart, use the following data selection:
select x, y, z from mydb.Data;
For a MSScatter3D chart, use the following data selection:
select Series, x, y, z from mydb.Data;
For network charts there are two options:
Option 1 where the chart is drawn based on single values/node.
select node1, node2 [, edge_style] from mydb.Data;
Option 2 where node contains both an ID value and the visible value to the user. This can be used when making charts to be exported and you want to keep the IDs.
select node1_id, node2_id, node1_name, node2_name [, edge_style] from mydb.Data;
Network charts are generated using Graphviz technology and Graphviz formatting can be applied to the charts using the 'dbr.chart.options'-command. The option can be separately set to nodes (is a parent) and leaves (is only a child). The options are set as a comma-separated list and can contain all the formatting supported by Graphviz.
select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'node', 'shape=house,fillcolor=#CCCCFF,style=filled';
Gantt chart has a label, starttime and endtime and optional category
select 'dbr.chart', 'gantt'; select label, starttime, endtime [, category] from data;
With responsive charts, the image map automatically resizes with the chart so that the tooltips stay in place. This works best with SVG charts which can scale well.
-- Make the chart fill the element it is attached to select 'dbr.chart', 'bar', 'Bar Chart', '100%', '100%'; select 'dbr.resultclass', 'responsive'; -- If the SVG chart is not the default chart -- select 'dbr.chart.options', 'format', 'svg'; select label, value from data;
Default colors are defined in the defaults.php
file. If you wish to change the default colors, you can edit the file to include your colors. Alternatively, you can use the 'dbr.chart.color' command to override the default colors.
If you want to override the default colors and use the same definition in multiple reports, the easiest way to do this is to place the command in a separate stored procedure and call the procedure from your report.
We'll first define the procedure containing the colors (you can call 'dbr.chart.color' multiple times):
create procedure sp_ADBR_MyColors() begin select 'dbr.chart.color', '0x300000cc', '0x4066aaee', '0x40ffbb00', '0x40ee6622'; end
And then use it in a report:
call sp_ADBR_MyColors(); select 'dbr.chart', 'Cone3d', 'Cone3d'; select 'Funds', 156 union select 'Bonds', 123 union select 'Stocks', 211 union select 'Cash', 179;
And the chart will use the colors you defined:
Sparkline charts are often used to present trends and variations, such as stock prices and temperature.
Sparkline charts in myDBR utilize Gareth Watts' jQuery Sparklines plugin originally developed for Splunk Inc. All features available in the plugin are accessible in myDBR.
To use sparklines, the data column needs to have a comma-separated list of values in a single column. In the example, this is achieved using MySQL's GROUP_CONCAT
function. Then, a CSS class is added to the column so that a jQuery call can reference it. The plugin is invoked with parameters using the dbr.javascript
command. The 'onload' parameter for dbr.javascript
ensures the jQuery plugin executes after the DOM tree has been created.
select 'dbr.hidecolumns', 1; select 'dbr.colclass', 'Spark', 'spark'; select 'Sales', group_concat(s) as 'Spark', 'pie' from ( select quarter(InsertDate) as q, sum(ItemsSold) as s from TestTable where year(InsertDate)=2008 group by 1 ) sub; select 'dbr.javascript', "$('.spark').sparkline('html', { type: 'pie', height: '1.0em' });", 'onload';
In this example, we'll generate a simple pie chart. Like any other XY-chart, we need to provide X and Y values for the chart.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Pie', 'Sample Pie chart'; select category, total_sales from mydb.sales_by_film_category;
In multi-series charts, we have multiple Y-values. In the following example, we'll select data for each quarter for selected years and create a multi-series column chart from the data.
select 'dbr.chart', 'mscolumn'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showValues', 1; select production_year, production_quarter, value from mydata;
Multi-series charts can easily be transposed so that the categories and the series swap places. We'll use the same query as in the previous example, and we'll transpose the chart before displaying it. This is done using the chart option 'chart_transpose'.
select 'dbr.chart', 'mscolumn'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showValues', 1; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chart_transpose'; select production_year, production_quarter, value from mydata;
Hierarchical and diagram charts both produce network charts. In a hierarchical chart, there is a parent-child connection, whereas in diagram charts, there is a connection between the nodes. Both charts are generated in the same way, with the only difference being the chart type.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; select 'Corporate', 'Sales' union select 'Corporate', 'Production' union select 'Corporate', 'Management' union select 'Sales', 'Northern Sales' union select 'Sales', 'Southern Sales' union select 'Production', 'Top part production' union select 'Production', 'Bottom part production';
The example queries MySQL's sakila-demo database system tables to create a quick ER-diagram. The chart is a Hierarchy chart, and with the diagram option, the chart is set to Left-to-Right (see Graphviz documentation for more info).
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'graph', 'rankdir=LR'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'node', 'shape=box,fillcolor=#CCCCFF,style=filled'; select distinct referenced_table_name, table_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where table_schema='sakila' and referenced_table_name is not null order by referenced_table_name;
The boxwhisker chart consists of the bottom and top values. Optionally, you can add minimum, maximum, and middle values.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'graph', 'rankdir=LR'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'node', 'shape=box,fillcolor=#CCCCFF,style=filled'; select label, box_min, box_max, minim, maxim, middle from mydb.data;
A floating box chart is a variation of a box-and-whisker chart that draws independent boxes for each series or label with minimum and maximum values.
select 'dbr.chart', 'floatingbox', 'floatingbox'; select series, label, box_min, box_max from mydb.data;
A sample bubble chart with options
declare vTechA varchar(30); declare vTechB varchar(30); declare vTechC varchar(30); select 'dbr.chart', 'bubble3d', '3D Bubble chart', 612, 345; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'bubble.scale', 'y'; select 'dbr.chart.color', '0x00FF00', '0xFF0000','0x0000FF'; set vTechA = 'Techology A'; set vTechB = 'Techology B'; set vTechC = 'Techology C'; select 150 as 'x', 12 as 'y', 20 as 'r', vTechA as 'name', 'x1' as 'rn' union select 30, 60, 50, vTechA, 'x2' union select 300, 25, 50, vTechA, 'x3' union select 240, 125, 165, vTechA, 'x4' union select 50, 35, 30, vTechB, 'x5' union select 100, 50, 55, vTechB, 'x6' union select 130, 175, 95, vTechC, 'x7';
With the 'shading' option you can use CharDirector's chart shading feature
sselect 'dbr.chart', 'Pie3D', 'Shading Pie chart'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'shading', 'ConcaveShading'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'pie_label_format', '0'; select category, total_sales from mydb.sales_by_film_category;
A donut-chart (or you can use alias 'doughnut'), with options
select 'dbr.chart', 'donut', '', 550, 350; /* Set the donut thickness */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'donut.size', 20; /* Text in the middle */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'donut.text', 'Income'; /* Font size of the text in the middle */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'donut.font.size', 24; /* Label font sizes */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_font_size', 12; select 'dbr.chart.color', '0x194996', '0x5F77BC', '0x9AA7DA', '0xE6E8F7', '0xF7F7FF'; select 'dbr.colstyle', 'Percentage', '{value} %\n{label}'; select Sector, Percentage from mydb.income;
A basic chatter chart includes x, y, and z data.
select 'dbr.chart', 'scatter3d'; select x, y, z from scatter_3d;
A scatter3D chart has multiple options so you can fine-tune the chart to suit your needs.
/* A scatter chart with multiple options */ select 'dbr.chart', 'msscatter3d', '', 760, 440; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'axis', 'Date', 'Importance', 'Effect'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', 'Unsuccessful', 'Cross2Shape()', 15; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scatter3d.y_axis_labels', "Low", "Medium", "High"; select 'dbr.chart.color', '0x00ff00', '0x0000cc'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scatter3d.plot_area', 385, 210, 400, 280, 240; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scatter3d.view_angle', 15, 25; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'axis_font' ,'arialbd.ttf'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'axis_font_size' , 10; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_font_size', 8; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scatter3d.drop_line', 'Successful', null, 'dot'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scatter3d.drop_line', 'Unsuccessful', '0x0000cc', 'altdash'; select label, x, y, z from msscatter_3d;
In the most basic Gantt chart, we have labels with start and end dates.
select 'dbr.chart', 'gantt', 'Gantt'; select label, cast(start as date), cast(end as date) from ( select 'Market Research' as 'label', '2017-03-16' as 'start', '2017-03-30' as 'end', 'Market' as 'stage' union select 'Market Research', '2017-06-02', '2017-06-20', 'Market' union select 'Define Specifications', '2017-03-30', '2017-04-13', 'Specification' union select 'Overall Archiecture', '2017-04-13', '2017-04-27', 'Specification' union select 'Project Planning', '2017-04-20', '2017-05-04', 'Detail Specification' union select 'Detail Design', '2017-04-27', '2017-05-11', 'Final Specification' union select 'Software Development', '2017-05-04', '2017-06-03', 'Development' union select 'Test Plan', '2017-05-25', '2017-06-03', 'Development' union select 'Testing and QA', '2017-06-01', '2017-06-22', 'Development' union select 'User Documentation', '2017-06-03', '2017-06-22', 'Development' ) as q;
If your Gantt chart data covers only a day, the x-axis shows hours. You can set the scale with the gantt.start
and gantt.end
select 'dbr.chart', 'gantt', 'Gantt hours', 600, 150; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'gantt.scale', 1; select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.start', '2000-01-01 06:00:00'; select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.end', '2000-01-01 21:00:00'; select label, cast(concat('2000-01-01 ',start) as datetime), cast(concat('2000-01-01 ',end) as datetime) from ( select 'Breakfast' as 'label', '07:00' as 'start', '07:20' as 'end' union select 'Lunch', '11:00', '10:30' union select 'Dinner', '17:45', '18:30' ) as q;
A Gantt chart has many options that you can use to configure it.
select 'dbr.chart', 'gantt', 'Gantt with options', 800, 'auto'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'category_order', 'Extra', 'Detail Specification'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'category_order', 'Development'; select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.baseline_text', 'Baseline text'; select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.baseline_pattern.border', '0x000000'; /* Show no border for baseline bars */ select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.baseline_pattern.color', '0x1B32C4'; /* Show baseline bars in dark blue */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'gantt.start_of_day_format', '-{value|dd}'; /* Show dates as "Monthname dd" */ select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.baseline', 'Market Research', '2017-03-12', '2017-03-20' /* Add baseline bars */ union select 'dbr.chart.options','gantt.baseline', 'Overall Archiecture', '2017-04-08', '2017-04-26'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'gantt.dateline', '2017-05-09'; /* Add vertical bar */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'gantt.scale', 30; /* x-axis per month */ select 'dbr.chart.options','height_per_item', 30; select label, cast(start as date), cast(end as date), stage from ( select 'Market Research' as 'label', '2017-03-16' as 'start', '2017-03-30' as 'end', 'Market' as 'stage' union select 'Market Research', '2017-06-02', '2017-06-20', 'Market' union select 'Define Specifications', '2017-03-30', '2017-04-13', 'Specification' union select 'Overall Archiecture', '2017-04-13', '2017-04-27', 'Specification' union select 'Project Planning', '2017-04-20', '2017-05-04', 'Detail Specification' union select 'Detail Design', '2017-04-27', '2017-05-11', 'Final Specification' union select 'Software Development', '2017-05-04', '2017-06-03', 'Development' union select 'Test Plan', '2017-05-25', '2017-06-03', 'Development' union select 'Testing and QA', '2017-06-01', '2017-06-22', 'Development' union select 'User Documentation', '2017-06-03', '2017-06-22', 'Development' ) as q;
myDBR offers various types of meter charts (charts that display one value on a scale): circle meter, semicircle, rectangular, and linear meter. All share the same logic and options.
You can format various parts of meter charts
You can choose between step and gradient colors.
Using step colors and custom color scales
select 'dbr.chart','meter'; /* Use step colors */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'meter.color.type', 'step'; /* First step represents where the coloring starts, subsequent steps define next step and used color */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'meter.color.step', step, color from ( select 10 as 'step', null as 'color' union select 40, '0xFFFF00' union select 70, '0x00FF00' union select 100, '0xFF0000' ) as q; select 60;
Using gradient colors and custom color scales
select 'dbr.chart','meter'; /* Use of gradient colors is done by default, you can also define the color type to gradient*/ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'meter.color.type', 'gradient'; /* Use custom scale min, max, step */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scale', 20, 180, 20; /* Choose white theme */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'meter.theme', 'white'; /* Set gradient steps */ select 'dbr.chart.options', 'meter.color.gradient', step, color from ( select 20 as 'step', '0xd3d3d3' as 'color' union select 40, '0xd3d3d3' union select 100, '0xa9a9a9' union select 180, '0x000000' ) as q; select 60;
Meter themes (defined in defaults.php
: default, white, black) allow for defining various aspects of a chart.
Using the black theme and setting text
select 'dbr.chart','rectangularmeter'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'meter.text', 'CPU'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'meter.theme', 'black'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scale', 20, 200, 20; select 'dbr.chart','meter'; select 40;
Chart.js chart module provides flexible, animated, interactive, and responsive charts. See more info at Chart.js website.
Chart.js shares the same configuration as other charts. To choose Chart.js as the chart engine, include the Chart.js extension in the report and use the configuration select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartjs'
Available chart types are:
- both produce same result
- both produce same result
Following chart options are available to Chart.js based charts:
area.line.width width
Line width in area chart
area.line.color color
Line color in area chart
area.opacity opacity
Opacity of the area in area chart
legend.position 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'top'
Position of the legend
showvalues, 1 | 0
marker, size
Set maker size for scatter chart
Set default ChartJS text color
Set default ChartJS background color
Set default ChartJS border color
See myDBR Demo for sample charts.
With myDBR's Graphviz support, one can easily create hierarchical and diagram charts and generate the associated Graphviz code. Basic charting can be done without any Graphviz knowledge. To fully exploit Graphviz's capabilities, please consult the original Graphviz documentation.
Graphviz-charts have a chart type of 'hierarchy' or 'network' which you select by dbr.chart-command.
- Defines the default style for the objectdbr.chart.gv.node
- Defines the individual node styledbr.chart.gv.cluster
- Defines the individual cluster styledbr.chart.gv.engine
- Selects the layout enginedbr.chart.gv.renderer_formatter
- Selects the renderer and optional formatter for the engine overriding the default ones, for example cairo:cairodbr.chart.gv.preprocess
- Preprocess the gv filedbr.chart.gv.cmdoptions
- Pass options to renderer command
select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'graph' | 'node' | 'edge' | 'cluster', style_definition
select 'dbr.chart.gv.node', nodeID, name, style_definition, [clusterID]
select 'dbr.chart.gv.cluster', clusterID, name, style_definition
select 'dbr.chart.gv.engine', engine
select 'dbr.chart.gv.renderer_formatter', renderer[:formatter]
select 'dbr.chart.gv.preprocess', 'preprocess_cmd $GV'
select 'dbr.chart.gv.cmdoptions', options
Nodes represent the connected elements in Graphviz. If no node definitions are given, the chart with nodes is drawn with default Graphviz formatting.
In Graphviz charts, there are two options for the data query:
Option 1 involves drawing the chart based on single values/nodes.
select node1, node2 [, edge_style] from mydb.Data;
Option 2 involves nodes containing both an ID value and a visible value to the user. This can be used when creating charts for export purposes, where retaining the IDs is necessary.
select node1_id, node2_id, node1_name, node2_name [, edge_style] from mydb.Data;
Here is a simple example of a hierarchical chart.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; select 'Corporate', 'Sales' union select 'Corporate', 'Production' union select 'Corporate', 'Management' union select 'Sales', 'Northern Sales' union select 'Sales', 'Southern Sales' union select 'Production', 'Top part production' union select 'Production', 'Bottom part production' union select 'Extra', null;
Formatting needed for the Graphviz graph can be passed through the dbr.chart.gv.style
select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'graph', style_definition;
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'graph', 'rankdir=LR,splines=false'; select 'Corporate', 'Sales' union select 'Corporate', 'Production' union select 'Corporate', 'Management' union select 'Sales', 'Northern Sales' union select 'Sales', 'Southern Sales' union select 'Production', 'Top part production' union select 'Production', 'Bottom part production';
The nodes can all be formatted with the same style, or specific formatting can be applied to individual nodes. In the next example, we'll change the default formatting and format selected nodes individually.
select 'dbr.chart.gv.node', nodeID, name, style_definition[, clusterID]
The style_definition
is a comma-separated list of Graphviz-attributes.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; /* This will change the default node formatting */ select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'node', 'shape=box,fillcolor=#CCCCFF,style=filled'; /* This will change formatting from individual nodes */ select 'dbr.chart.gv.node', 'Sales', 'Sales', 'shape=box3d,fillcolor=red,style=filled'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.node', 'Production', 'Production', 'shape=box3d,fillcolor=red,color=white,style=filled'; select 'Corporate', 'Sales' union select 'Corporate', 'Production' union select 'Corporate', 'Management' union select 'Sales', 'Northern Sales' union select 'Sales', 'Southern Sales' union select 'Production', 'Top part production' union select 'Production', 'Bottom part production';
Adding clusters to the chart can be done using the 'dbr.chart.gv.cluster'
In addition to the cluster itself, the nodes attached to the cluster also need to be defined.
select 'dbr.chart.gv.cluster', clusterID, name, style_definition
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'graph', 'rankdir=TB,splines=true,ranksep=0.8'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'node', 'shape=box,fillcolor=#CCCCFF,style=filled,fontsize=10'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.node', 'Sales', 'Sales', 'shape=box,fillcolor=red,fontcolor=white,style="rounded,filled",fontsize=10', 1; select 'dbr.chart.gv.node', 'Production', 'Production', 'shape=box,fillcolor=red,fontcolor=white,style="rounded,filled",fontsize=10', 1; select 'dbr.chart.gv.cluster', 1, 'Organization', 'style=filled,fillcolor=lightgrey,labelloc=b,fontsize=12'; select 'Corporate', 'Sales' union select 'Corporate', 'Production' union select 'Corporate', 'Management' union select 'Sales', 'Northern Sales' union select 'Sales', 'Southern Sales' union select 'Production', 'Top part production' union select 'Production', 'Bottom part production';
Passing formatting information to edges can be accomplished by adding the style information to the node query.
select 'dbr.chart', 'Hierarchy'; select 'Corporate', 'Sales', 'color=red,arrowhead=empty' union select 'Corporate', 'Production', '' union select 'Corporate', 'Management', '' union select 'Sales', 'Northern Sales', '' union select 'Sales', 'Southern Sales', '' union select 'Production', 'Top part production', '' union select 'Production', 'Bottom part production', '';
myDBR allows you to select the layout engine used by using the command dbr.chart.gv.engine
. Refer to the
Graphviz documentation for more information on layout engines and how to choose the most
suitable one for your chart.
select 'dbr.chart.gv.engine', engine
Possible engines:
Example of engine usage:
declare vShape varchar(100) /* Make it a network chart */ select 'dbr.chart', 'network'; /* Use the neato engine */ select 'dbr.chart.gv.engine', 'neato'; /* Prepare the shape, we'll get the color from the data */ select 'shape=octagon,style=filled,fillcolor=' into vShape; /* Set individual node's color, no label */ select 'dbr.chart.gv.node', id, null, concat(vShape, color) from mydb.nodes; /* Get the chart data */ select parent, child from mydb.node_connections;
circo engine | neato engine |
select 'dbr.chart.gv.engine', 'circo'; |
select 'dbr.chart.gv.engine', 'neato'; |
![]() |
![]() |
Example: Same chart drawn with different layout engines.
The Graphviz file (gv-file) can be preprocessed. In this example, the file will be preprocessed with sfdp and gvmap. The $GV
variable refers to the original gv-file. The preprocessed file will be piped to the renderer.
select 'dbr.chart', 'network', '', 1765, 1300; select 'dbr.chart.gv.engine', 'neato'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.preprocess', 'sfdp -Goverlap=prism $GV |gvmap -e'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.cmdoptions', '-Ecolor="#55555522" -n2'; select c.from_id, c.to_id, f.name, t.name from gvmap_connections c join gvmap_nodes f on f.id=c.from_id join gvmap_nodes t on t.id=c.to_id ;
Report linking (clicking a node launches another report) is also available for Graphviz charts. The report's parameters must always be bound to the first column.
select 'dbr.chart', 'network'; select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_NodeZoom','vNodeID=1'; select parent, child from mydb.node_connections;
If you want to scale the size of a Graphviz chart, you can use either the 'dbr.chart'
command's x and y parameters or
the native Graphviz scaling (see the size
attribute). If both are applied, myDBR uses the size
select 'dbr.chart', 'network'; select 'dbr.chart.gv.style', 'graph', 'size="4,3"'; select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_NodeZoom','vNodeID=1'; select parent, child from mydb.node_connections;