Using the SQL Editor

When you first start the editor, the following tabs will be available:

When editing an existing stored procedure, this tab contains the source code as it was before you started editing. This is useful for restoring the original version of the source code in cases where you want to revert back to the original code.
The source code of the stored procedure.
Query 1
This is used for executing additional SQL statements. Usually, you would call the stored procedure from here. If needed, you can add more tabs by clicking '+'. Click '-' to remove unnecessary ones.

Executing Statements

When you click Execute, the SQL code of the currently visible tab will be executed. You can also execute just part of the code by simply selecting part of the script and clicking Execute. You will see the results and possible error messages on the lower part of the page.

You can execute multiple statements at once by adding a command delimiter between the commands. The delimiter for MySQL is '$$' and 'go' for MS SQL Server, Sybase ASE, and SQL Anywhere.

Show Selected Object

When you create myDBR reports, you often call other procedures, functions, or want to see table definitions. If you highlight a procedure name, function name or table name and click Show Object, you will get the source code/table definition in a new tab. This allows you to see parameters/table definitions you might need in the report making.

Similarly, you can highlight a myDBR command and click Show Object and you will be shown the manual page of that particular command so you can check the usage and parameters.

Editor Preferences

To open the preferences, click the cog icon in the top right. The preferences there are:

You can choose the theme for the editor. This will include the colors used, no changes in behavior.
Indent with spaces
Determines if using TAB in the editor produces spaces or TAB
In addition to normal keymap, you can use keymapping from favorite editors (Emacs, Sublime Text, Vim)
Autocomplete databases
Choose the database for which the autocomplete is available

Using Autocomplete

Select the databases whose structure you wish to autocomplete from editor preferences. Type start of the object/column name and use Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) - Space to bring up the autocomplete suggestions-

You can have a separate window for SQL Editor open and run the report on another window while you work. This way you will see the changes immediately after the browser refreshes.