Report security hash does not match. Report execution aborted.

(18 posts) (4 voices)
  1. Deepak, Member


    I am trying to pass values from the query to a linked report using the linked report command. The values are dynamic as the value change when the user clicks on different rows of a select query, the values pass fine for most of the values except ones like 'A & B Associates'. I get the error "Report security hash does not match. Report execution aborted.". I then changed the '&' to 'and', it then worked fine but the customer always use '&' for this field.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    what is the version and the build you are using? Could you show the code you are using?

    myDBR Team

  3. Deepak, Member

    We are on "myDBR 4.0.0 (build 2350)".

    [sql]select 'dbr.chart','MSBar','','1000','auto';
    select 'dbr.chart.options','height_per_item',70;

    select '','sp_DBR_DEMAND_SYS_53_v1_22','inline', 'inMajor=4','inBusinessUnit=-1','inMinor=5','inLang=6','inDoc=7','inCreative=8','inStatus=9';

    dv.creative_agency_name as 'Creative Agency',
    (select tm.TAXVALDESC from test_db.tm_m_ibm_taxdtls tm where tm.TAXIDVAL =fd.status and tm.type_id=72),
    count(distinct fd.documentid),
    group_concat(distinct dv.major_brand),
    group_concat(distinct dv.minor_brand),
    group_concat(distinct fd.language_id),
    group_concat(distinct dp.document_sid),
    group_concat(distinct fd.status)
    from test_db.frf_documents fd
    JOIN test_db.dnrf_prefixes dp on
    JOIN test_db.dnrf_values dv on
    where (fd.significant=1 or fd.future_sig=1)
    group by dv.creative_agency_name,fd.status=3,fd.status=4,fd.status=5,fd.status=9,fd.status in(1,2);[sql]

  4. Deepak, Member

    We have made an observation the '&' is not encoded in the URL.

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    We are on "myDBR 4.0.0 (build 2350)".

    Could you update to the latest version which is currently 4.2.2.

    myDBR Team

  6. Deepak, Member

    Updated to "myDBR 4.2.2 (build 2401)", the issue still exists.

  7. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Could you run the main report with &export=sql added to the URL and send the result to support.

    myDBR Team

  8. ajdjackson, Member

    Hi I'm having a similar issue as above.

    I created a very simple linked report which works fine when the linking from report is tabular but when this report is converted to a chart I get the same error message. Is there a way around this?



    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DBR_ExpHOvers_By_Month()

    select 'dbr.chart', 'Column3D';
    select 'dbr.chart.options','imagechart';
    select 'dbr.hidecolumns', 'WhichDate';

    select '', 'sp_DBR_Linked_EXPHOD', 'inMon=WhichDate';

    date_format(t.Plot_ExpHOD,'%b') as Mon, count(t.tblContractXidJobNo) AS 'Exp HandOvers', t.Plot_ExpHOD as WhichDate
    hilmark.tblsitesplotsjake t
    t.Plot_ExpHOD >= now()

    GROUP BY Month(t.Plot_ExpHOD)

    order by datediff(t.Plot_ExpHOD,now()) Asc;


  9. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Try to run the updater first and see if the problem persists.

    Btw, unless you only have one t.Plot_ExpHOD per month and cover only one year, your query might not return the values you expect as you are grouping over the month.

    myDBR Team

  10. ajdjackson, Member


    I've updated although I was already running v4.2.3.

    Issue still there.

    Regarding the query I was aware of this but I'm only interested in the Month and Year part of the date which I'll use in subsequent select statement.

    What the chart does is visualise the total number of events in a month and then I wish to click that month on the chart and create a detailed view of those events.



  11. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can convert the t.Plot_ExpHOD day to the first day of the month making the GROUP BY work. You would then check against the start of month date in the linked parameter.

    This will also fix the issue with security hash. We'll take a look at the original cause for it.

    date_format(t.Plot_ExpHOD,'%b') as 'Mon',
    count(t.tblContractXidJobNo) AS 'Exp HandOvers',
    cast( date_format( t.Plot_ExpHOD, '%Y-%m-01') as date ) as 'MonthStart'
    hilmark.tblsitesplotsjake t
    t.Plot_ExpHOD >= now()
    GROUP BY 1,3
    ORDER BY 3

    myDBR Team

  12. ajdjackson, Member


    Thanks for getting back.

    I've updated the query as you detailed above but still getting the same error.


  13. myDBR Team, Key Master

    the update should also fix this.

    myDBR Team

  14. ajdjackson, Member


    Great that update has fixed it.



  15. spyhunter88, Member

    So the is the Deepak's problem fixed in latest build? I'm using myDBR 4.2.2 (build 2404) and still get this error while parameter has '&'.

  16. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Have you tried the latest build?

    myDBR Team

  17. spyhunter88, Member

    No, I don't. I push my manager to update but the system has gone live and not easy to request. :D

    I 'll check it in a test server.

    I check the update online but still in 4.2.2. When the next update available?

  18. myDBR Team, Key Master

    the latest version is myDBR 4.2.3 (build 2429). It does contain the fix.

    myDBR Team


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