Report statistics error

(8 posts) (2 voices)
  1. ziuras, Member

    I want to see report statistics and I get an error:

    Could not execute the report. There was an error in the report.
    Column, parameter, or variable #1: Cannot find data type date.

    Can you help me.

  2. ziuras, Member

    My version: 4.3.0
    upgraded from 3.9.4

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Assuming you are using SQL Server 2008 (or earlier). The old SQL Server does not have date-datatype which the report uses. Run the updater the get the latest build which uses datetime instead for older SQL Servers.

    myDBR Team

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    See the earlier post.

    myDBR Team

  5. ziuras, Member

    which post?

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Assuming you are using SQL Server 2008 (or earlier). The old SQL Server does not have date-datatype which the report uses. Run the updater the get the latest build which uses datetime instead for older SQL Servers.

    myDBR Team

  7. ziuras, Member

    Now it work.


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