dbr.editable type='select'

(3 posts) (2 voices)


  1. eugfri, Member

    I have editable field using dbr.editable and I would like to be able to present user with drop down of choices for the value selection which would be dynamic - i.e. based on value of another column in the table.

    Instead of:
    SELECT 'dbr.editable', '[CustomFieldValue]', 'sp_DBR_CustomFieldsCategorySubEdit', 'inLogin=[inLogin]', 'inID=ID', 'inFieldValue=CustomFieldValue', 'type=select', "select=select 'Gen9/Gen8' AS Generation UNION select 'Gen7/Gen6' AS Generation"; SELECT ID, CustomFieldName, CustomFieldValue FROM CustomFieldsCategorySub WHERE partnumber=inPartNumber and type=inType;

    I would like to do something like this:

    SELECT 'dbr.editable', '[CustomFieldValue]', 'sp_DBR_CustomFieldsCategorySubEdit', 'inLogin=[inLogin]', 'inID=ID', 'inFieldValue=CustomFieldValue', 'type=select', "select=select mydb.myfunction(CustomFieldName)"; SELECT ID, CustomFieldName, CustomFieldValue FROM CustomFieldsCategorySub WHERE partnumber=inPartNumber and type=inType;

    The purpose here is to give user different dropdown choices depending on value of CustomFieldName column the row in my CustomFieldsCategorySub table, which is being edited.

    Unfortunately, I am using MySQL where function can not return result set and I don't know if such approach would even work with dbr.editable.
    Is there something you can suggest?
    Is there way to dynamically generate values for the dropdown of "type='select'" in dbr.editable?

    Thank you

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    as function cannot return a result set, use a procedure instead:

    SELECT 'dbr.editable', 'CustomFieldValue', 'sp_DBR_CustomFieldsCategorySubEdit', 'inID=ID', 'inFieldValue=CustomFieldValue', 'type=select', "select=sp_proc_for_selection [CustomFieldName]";

    Also, there is no need to pass on the inLogin (unless you have changed it), as myDBR will fill in the value automatically.

    myDBR Team

  3. eugfri, Member

    Thank you! This works perfectly - exactly as I needed.


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