How to edit and format the parameter-prompt page?

(7 posts) (3 voices)
  1. This question refers to the intermediate page that is displayed to the user, prompting him/her to supply report parameters. I want to do a several things with this:

    1 - I have a report where it doesn't make sense for the parameter defaults to be reset to what the user input for the last run. Is there any way to suppress that behavior, and just always use the initial default value?

    2 - I would like to put some additional text on the parameter-prompt page.

    3 - I would like to apply some CSS to the parameter-prompt page.

    So far, I have not found a way to do that. Anything that you specify with the 'dbr.text', 'dbr.css', or 'dbr.javascript' applies to the report page itself, not to the intermediate page that is show to prompt the user for parameters.

    Is there a solution to this?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    1 - I have a report where it doesn't make sense for the parameter defaults to be reset to what the user input for the last run. Is there any way to suppress that behavior, and just always use the initial default value?

    For now it is not. We do agree that it could be useful in some cases, so we'll take a look at it.

    2 - I would like to put some additional text on the parameter-prompt page.

    Do you need dynamic text or just report specific static text? We could add an info text quite easily that would be shown in parameter input page.

    3 - I would like to apply some CSS to the parameter-prompt page.

    You can override the default CSS, but that would change it for all the reports. We can add a report ID as a CSS class so the CSS could be applied on report basis. Any specific things you would like to change?

    myDBR Team

  3. 1 - That would be good.
    2 - Report specific static text would address my current requirement.
    3 - Adding a report ID would address that. I was looking to have some control over the initial display size of a textarea field specifically.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    All these are now included in myDBR 3.2.

    myDBR Team

  5. jcstevens, Member

    Sorry to revive such an old topic, but I can't figure out how to add report-specific text to the user parameter-prompt page (#2 in the original request). I am trying to put a long description into the 'Name' field for the Report Parameters area in the Edit Report routine.

    I can put "Enter partial State or Country value (no characters, not case-sensitive)", but if I get too much longer than this, the Report Parameters delete all Name and Options info. I either need to be allowed to have more length in the Name field, an option to break the line, or another option to enter in further, descriptive text for my users to see when they are entering in their parameters.

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    We can make the title longer if you need longer text, no problem.

    You can enter break to the title by using html break < br/>. Additionally, there is extra title field you can use in parameter options.

    myDBR Team

  7. jcstevens, Member

    I tried using the Suffix field to add instructions like 'letters only, not case-sensitive', but then the user entry screen looks choppy.

    1. Can you please add more length to the parameter Name field for me? I'd like to put a line break in so that it lays out as the field name over the instructions.

    2. Can you also add an option to replace the ":" after the prompt with something else? I'm looking for 'Exact matches only?' and I end up with 'Exact matches only?:'.

    3. Additionally, the Yes/No option is vertical. How can I display the Yes/No horizontally?

    4. Finally, I found an post on removing/editing "Parameter" and "User Input" but I can't find in the userstyle.css file where these are defined so that I can replace them.

    Ideally, the user parameter page would look like the following:

    Instructions Choices
    Enter partial State or Country value: _____________________
    (letters only, not case-sensitive)

    Exact matches only? o Yes o No

    Thanks in advance!


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