You can always update to the newer myDBR version. Your license is valid from myDBR version stated in the license and for all newer versions. See Update instructions.
When an installation does not have a valid license, the extra authentication methods are not available and you need to log in as an admin using myDBR authentication. To do this add &local=1
to the login URL to access the myDBR (local) authentication. If you do not know the username/password for local login, see the next question.
When you have forgotten the username/password for the local myDBR admin user, you need to look the username up from the database/reset password from there.
To see the admin users in MySQL use:
select user from mydbr_userlogin where authentication=2 and admin=1;
To see the admin users in Microsoft SQL Server / Sybase ASE / Sybase Anywhere use:
select username from mydbr_userlogin where authentication=2 and admin=1;
To reset the admin's password set the password to MD5 hash (myDBR does not internally use MD5 hashes, but does understand one). The MD5 hash will be updated to a more secure one once you update the password within myDBR.
Reset the admin password in MySQL command line:
update mydbr_userlogin set password=md5('secret'), passworddate=now() where authentication=2 and admin=1 and user='dba';
...where the 'dba'
is the username given from the previous query.
Reset the admin password in Microsoft SQL Server command line:
update mydbr_userlogin set password=lower(convert(varchar(32), HashBytes('MD5', 'secret'), 2)), passworddate=getdate() where authentication=2 and admin=1 and username='dba';
Reset the admin password in Sybase command line:
update mydbr_userlogin set password=hash('secret', 'md5'), passworddate=getdate() where authentication=2 and admin=1 and username='dba';
Make sure you have installed the fonts included in the ChartDirector package. See Installing ChartDirector for PHP
On SQL Server (usually when Linked Servers are being used) the database connection requires specific flags to be set. If you get this error when executing a report add the following line to mydbr/:
$mydbr_defaults['db_connection']['sqlsrv_server_init'] = 'SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON;SET ARITHABORT OFF;SET ANSI_NULLS ON;SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF;';
if you are still using old FreeTDS based installation (mssql-PHP driver) the setting is:
$mydbr_defaults['db_connection']['sql_server_init'] = 'SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON;SET ARITHABORT OFF;SET ANSI_NULLS ON;SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF;';
If you have trouble getting the PDF export to work after installing the wkhtmltopdf, try following steps:
select 'dbr.export.options', 'debug', 1;
myDBR consists of two parts: the SourceGuardian/ionCube encoded PHP application and the myDBR database. To move the installation do the following:
select CURRENT_USER();
). If they are different, remove the DEFINER definitions from the SQL dump file so that the objects are created under the correct user in the new server. You can use a text editor or use commands like sed:
cat mydbr.sql | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*\*/\*/' | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*PROCEDURE/PROCEDURE/' | sed -e 's/DEFINER[ ]*=[ ]*[^*]*FUNCTION/FUNCTION/' > mydbr_clean.sql
SourceGuardian encoding does not run when Xdebug PHP extension is enable. Disable the XDebug from myDBR installation.
You can use the myDBR forums if the question is something you believe others might benefit from. Another option is to send your question directly to myDBR Support via email at <>
. If your question pertains to a report code, please include the SQL export of the report (by adding &export=sql
to the URL).