Server Side Files

With 'Server side files', you can edit the files in mydbr/user directory.


myDBR has number of defaults and options defined in defaults.php. The values in the file are structured as a PHP array. You can customize these values by overriding them in . The file will be preserved between server updates. Do not make changes to defaults.php as it is overwritten in updates. The "Server Side Files / defaults.php" points to .

Example defaults.php definitions:

    $mydbr_defaults['page_title'] = 'myDBR Own';
    $mydbr_defaults['export']['wkhtmltopdf']['command'] = '\"Program Files"\wkhtmltopdf\wkhtmltopdf';


myDBR uses wkhtmltopdf to generate PDF versions of the report. To incorporate headers, footers, and logos, utilize the export_header_pdf.php file, passed as a header-html parameter to wkhtmltopdf. Customize this file to alter the appearance of the PDF.

Since the myDBR updater does not alter existing files in the /user directory, export_header_pdf.php will not be automatically updated. Obtain the latest version by opening the export_header_pdf.php file under the title in the bottom left. After opening, save it as a local file (keeping in mind any existing modifications).


This is the place for your custom extensions.


This is the place for your custom images.


The HTML content of the sidebar of the main screen on the right. See Customization


The HTML for the dashboard area. See Customization


The files for OEM customization. See Customization


The image files for custom report icons. The icons should be of size 16px*16px, 32px*32px or 64px*64px for best results.


The image files for the company logo in the reports. See Customization


You can override the default password reset templates with your own.


To create your own interface themes with CSS, place the file here


Any CSS definition in myDBR can be overwritten in userstyle.css. Also, if you have common CSS-classes shared between reports, this is the file to store them.