When I add two parameter in auto complete parameter I am getting error

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  1. vsivaprabu, Member

    I have added following stored procedure for auto complete input field. When run the report I getting the following issue please assist me.

    DB error (1318): Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE sp_Store_customer_autocomplement; expected 2, got 1
    SQL: call sp_Store_customer_autocomplement('MYDBR_COL_COUNT_READ');

    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_Store_customer_autocomplement
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_Store_customer_autocomplement(fname varchar(255),vCompanyid INT)

    SELECT CONCAT(fname," ",lname) AS name FROM tbl_films WHERE company_id = vCompanyid AND fname like concat('%', fname , '%');


    Thanks & Regards,

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Autocomplete parameter takes just one parameter, the user input.

    myDBR Team

  3. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    Thanks for reply. Then how can I do this possibility. I need to check the both condition for auto complete Please assist me.

    Thanks & Regards,

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Fow now autocomplete parameter takes just one parameter, the user input. You need to use some other way for navigation.

    myDBR Team

  5. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    Ok thanks for reply. Actually currently in my environment setting "myDBR user authentication" I need to be change sso. Could you please assist me how will do this. I reading user manual I am not getting idea about this.

    Thanks & Regards,

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Single Sign-On protocol is described in the documentation. You will find example implementations in the user-directory.

    myDBR Team

  7. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    I have changed in environment setting "myDBR user authentication" TO "Single Sign-On (available in Premium version)".

    Is there should be entered "Single Sign-On settings" and "Automatic login" details?

    Sorry I am new to mydbr. Thats why asking these silly questions.


  8. myDBR Team, Key Master

    in Single Sign-On myDBR authenticates against a external service (could be your ERP solution or something else) and gets user information (ID's, name, groups) from that external service. In order to use Single Sign-On, you will need to implement the Single Sign-On protocol described in the documentation.

    Automatic login is used when no autentication is required at all. Users can use reports without authentication. This is fully separate from Single Sign-On (both can co-exist).

    See more info and examples from the documentation.
    myDBR Team

  9. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    I have implemented the mydbr SSO in my application. But when I hit the direct url like "https://www.exable.com/mydbr/report.php?r=4&u1=1&m=1&h=3243432434&i=1&hdr=0". it can be access how can restrict this.

    Really stuck. Little detail is needed. Please help..


  10. myDBR Team, Key Master

    I have implemented the mydbr SSO in my application.

    Does this work now? When user logs into myDBR he will be redirected to your application and your application returns the user login information and groups to myDBR?

    it can be access how can restrict this.

    What do you mean by this? User can access the report without authentication? To whom have you granted access into the report?

    myDBR Team

  11. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    Does this work now? When user logs into myDBR he will be redirected to your application and your application returns the user login information and groups to myDBR?

    Yes, When I hit the mydbr login URL (http://example.com/mydbr/index.php?a=login) it will redirect to my application login page.

    I need to add the my application user in the mydbr group. Is it correct?

    What do you mean by this? User can access the report without authentication? To whom have you granted access into the report?

    When I hit this url ("https://www.exable.com/mydbr/report.php?r=4&u1=1&m=1&h=3243432434&i=1&hdr=0") I can visible the report. When I hit this url it will also redirect my apllication.

    Please help me I am struggle last one week in this.

    Thanks & Regards,

  12. myDBR Team, Key Master

    I need to add the my application user in the mydbr group. Is it correct?

    No, the Single Sign-On protocol will pass on the user's groups when login process takes place.

    When I hit this url ("https://www.exable.com/mydbr/report.php?r=4&u1=1&m=1&h=3243432434&i=1&hdr=0") I can visible the report. When I hit this url it will also redirect my apllication.

    We did not quite understand what happened and what is the problem. So when you access the URL do you:

    1) See the report (what is the problem?)
    2) Get redirect redirected to your application (have you been logged in via Single Sign-On)?

    myDBR Team

  13. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    What I did enable the SSO

    * ) Login the myDBR
    * ) GO to Environment Setting
    * ) Select the Single Sign-On (available in Premium version)
    * ) Add the SSO secret token and SSO Server URL

    Other then these what will do? Please advise me.

    I am struggle last one week. In your document mentioned following words only so I am confused.

    Example SSO Server

    An example standalone SSO Server has been included in the user/sso/sso_example.php.
    Local myDBR login when SSO is enabled

    If SSO is set as a login method, you can still login with myDBR login by using &local=true to login URL. For example if you have installed myDBR at localhost/mydbr you would login locally using http://localhost/mydbr/index.php?a=login&local=true

    To prevent users logging in with the myDBR login when SSO is being used, remove unnecessary myDBR logins and secure the admin password.

  14. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Other then these what will do? Please advise me.

    That's it, provided that your SSO Server URL implements the Single Sign-On authentication protocol described in the documentation.

    Please answer the following questions:

    1) Have you implemented the Single Sign-On authentication protocol?
    2) Can you log in using Single Sign-On?
    3) After you log in using Single Sign-On, is the user created in myDBR users as Single Sign-On-user?

    myDBR Team

  15. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    Thanks for quick replay. I need to finish today itself. Please as soon as possible.

    1) Have you implemented the Single Sign-On authentication protocol?

    That means Add the "SSO secret token" and "SSO Server URL" in environment setting. Is it correct? otherwise please help me how can implemented the authentication protocol

    2) Can you log in using Single Sign-On?

    Using following URL only I able to access the myDBR (http://localhost/mydbr/index.php?a=login&local=true) Otherwise I have used following URL (http://localhost/mydbr/index.php?a=login) it will redirect to my application home page(https://localhost/).

    3) After you log in using Single Sign-On, is the user created in myDBR users as Single Sign-On-user?

    I need to create user in mydbr or it will created myDBR?


  16. myDBR Team, Key Master

    sounds like you have not implemented the Single Sign-On authentication protocol which allows myDBR to share login with your application.

    That means Add the "SSO secret token" and "SSO Server URL" in environment setting

    No, it means that you have to write code that implements the Single Sign-On authentication protocol described in the documentation. You can find example implementations in myDBR's /user/sso-directory.

    I need to create user in mydbr or it will created myDBR?

    You do not need to create any users to myDBR. After you implement the Single Sign-On authentication protocol, all user creation is done automatically and is determined by your application.

    myDBR Team

  17. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    Thanks for your reply. I have many confusion in implementation SSO. In my website i have load the report using IFRAME. I have more then 20 report in my application.

    There is example mydbr/user/sso/example_sso.php. I need to add the sso example coding above the iframe coding. is it correct?

    When I go through the documentation I am not get clear idea about this. Could you please help for this.

    NOTE: Please send any demo URL implement the SSO.

    Could you please help for this.


  18. vsivaprabu, Member

    Here I have list example coding is this correct?

    $token = '34324234324'; //(secert token to environment setting)
    $url = 'http://example.com/mydbr/report.php?r=4&u1=1&m=1&h=112435435345435435435&i=1&hdr=0';

    $f_do_autologin = true;

    $user = "wsasteam";
    $name = "wsasteam";
    $groups = "Sale";
    $email = "wsasteam@gmail.com";
    $telephone = '+358 123 2345' ;
    $admin = '0';

    $secret = '34324234324'; //(secert token to environment setting)

    if ( @$_REQUEST['continue'] || $f_do_autologin )
    if ($f_do_autologin) {

    // User's email is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['noemailchange'])) {
    $email = '';
    else {
    // User's email can be erased by setting blank email address
    $email = isset($_REQUEST['email']) ? $_REQUEST['email'] : '' ;
    // User's telephone is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['notelephonechange'])) {
    $email = '';
    else {
    // User's telephone can be erased by setting blank telephone address
    $email = isset($_REQUEST['telephone']) ? $_REQUEST['telephone'] : '' ;
    // Group is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['nogroupchange'])) {
    $groups = '';

    $hash = sha1( $user . $name . $groups . $email . $telephone . $admin . $token . $secret );

    $url .= '?user=' . urlencode($user) . '&name=' . urlencode($name) . '&hash=' . $hash;

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['nogroupchange'])) {
    $url .= '&groups=' . urlencode($groups);

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['noemailchange'])) {
    $url .= '&email=' . urlencode($email);

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['notelephonechange'])) {
    $url .= '&telephone=' . urlencode($telephone);

    $url .= '&admin=' . $admin;
    header('Location:' . $url);


    <div class="content_fluid">
    <div class="content_fluid_left" style="width:100%">
    <iframe id="iframeId" src="http://exmaple.com/mydbr/report.php?r=4&u1=<?php echo $_SESSION['company_id'];?>&m=1&h=112435435345435435435&i=1&hdr=0&groups=Sale"
    width="100%" height="500px"></iframe>
    <div class="clearMe"></div>

  19. myDBR Team, Key Master

    When using SSO, myDBR authenticates against external server. This server can be any server / application as long as it implements the authentication protocol described in the documentation. What the authentication protocol implementation does, it takes input the URL from myDBR (a login request), looks the user information up from the external server and returns that information to myDBR. If the user is not logged in the external server either, a login process is done first to the external server knows who the user is.

    Reports itself (or the iframe you are using) are fully detached from the SSO implementation.

    As for the demo URL to implement the SSO, you have the example URL already in your post (mydbr/user/sso/example_sso.php).

    Mabye you could get advise from your colleague or get a consultation day from myDBR Shop.

    myDBR Team

  20. vsivaprabu, Member

    Thanks immediate response. As per advise i understood the SSO functionality. I created the url as per example_sso.php and load that URL in ifream but I getting the following issue. Could you please advise this.

    Reference to nonexisting parameter -1.

    When I logout the myDBR above the mentioned issue also not shown. Just rediect my application home page.

    $token = '34324234324'; //(secert token to environment setting)
    $url = 'http://example.com/mydbr/report.php?r=4&u1=1&m=1&h=112435435345435435435&i=1&hdr=0';

    $f_do_autologin = true;

    $user = "wsasteam";
    $name = "wsasteam";
    $groups = "Sale";
    $email = "wsasteam@gmail.com";
    $telephone = '+358 123 2345' ;
    $admin = '0';

    $secret = '34324234324'; //(secert token to environment setting)

    if ( @$_REQUEST['continue'] || $f_do_autologin )
    if ($f_do_autologin) {

    // User's email is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['noemailchange'])) {
    $email = '';
    else {
    // User's email can be erased by setting blank email address
    $email = isset($_REQUEST['email']) ? $_REQUEST['email'] : '' ;
    // User's telephone is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['notelephonechange'])) {
    $email = '';
    else {
    // User's telephone can be erased by setting blank telephone address
    $email = isset($_REQUEST['telephone']) ? $_REQUEST['telephone'] : '' ;
    // Group is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['nogroupchange'])) {
    $groups = '';

    $hash = sha1( $user . $name . $groups . $email . $telephone . $admin . $token . $secret );

    $url .= '?user=' . urlencode($user) . '&name=' . urlencode($name) . '&hash=' . $hash;

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['nogroupchange'])) {
    $url .= '&groups=' . urlencode($groups);

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['noemailchange'])) {
    $url .= '&email=' . urlencode($email);

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['notelephonechange'])) {
    $url .= '&telephone=' . urlencode($telephone);

    $url .= '&admin=' . $admin;


    <div class="content_fluid">
    <div class="content_fluid_left" style="width:100%">
    <iframe id="iframeId" src="<?php echo $url; ?>"
    width="100%" height="500px"></iframe>
    <div class="clearMe"></div>

    Also in mydbr not created any user

  21. myDBR Team, Key Master

    No, this is not correct. Implementing the SSO protocol and actually displaying the URL (in your case inside the IFRAME) have nothing to do with each other. They are two separate thing.

    Please read carefully through the documentation about the Single Sign-On. The steps from 1 to 6 explain what is expected to happen. Also, point your myDBR SSO URL to the demo SSO implementation (mydbr/user/sso/example_sso.php) and watch carefully what happens.

    Again, please consider consulting with your colleague or get a consultation day from myDBR Shop to go forward with this.

    myDBR Team

  22. vsivaprabu, Member

    Thanks for your quick response.

    This my last request.

    After login the my application I write the following coding.

    $token = 'gfhgfhgfhfghfghgf';
    $url = 'https://www.xxxx.com/mydbr';
    $user = "wsasteam";
    $name = "wsasteam";
    $groups = "Sale";
    $email = "wsasteam@gmail.com";
    $telephone = '+358 123 2345' ;
    $admin = '0';
    $secret = 'gfhgfhgfhfghfghgf';
    $hash = sha1( $user . $name . $groups . $email . $telephone . $admin . $token . $secret );
    $url .= '?user=' . urlencode($user) . '&name=' . urlencode($name) . '&hash=' . $hash;
    $url .= '&groups=' . urlencode($groups);
    $url .= '&email=' . urlencode($email);
    $url .= '&telephone=' . urlencode($telephone);
    $url .= '&admin=' . $admin;
    header('Location:' . $url);

    it will redirect my application login page again.

    ALSO $token and $secret are same (its from SSO secret token in environment setting)

    and also is there any way to without the asking myDBR login to access the report using SSO protocal?


  23. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You do not honour the $token and $url given by myDBR in the Authentication protocol phase 2 (of 1-6).

    is there any way to without the asking myDBR login to access the report using SSO protocal?

    Yes, this is what the Single Sign-On protocol is for. When enabled and configured, myDBR does the authentication with the external server instead of using the login of it's own.

    myDBR Team

  24. vsivaprabu, Member

    Dear Team,

    Thanks for your support. Successfully I implemented myDBR SSO protocol. After implement the following coding it will created the user in mydbr and redirect to the myDBR report listing page.

    How can I redirect my application report page.

    if (isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
    $token = $_REQUEST['token'];
    $url = $_REQUEST['url'];
    } else {
    $token = '';
    $url = 'http://xxxxx.com/mydbr';

    $f_do_autologin = true;

    $user = "wsasteam";
    $name = "wsasteam";
    $groups = "Sale";
    $email = "wsasteam@gmail.com";
    $telephone = '+358 123 2345' ;
    $admin = '0';
    $secret = 'aaaafdsfsdfddsf';
    if ( !$_REQUEST['hash'] && $f_do_autologin )
    if ($f_do_autologin) {

    // User's email is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['noemailchange'])) {
    $email = '';
    else {
    // User's email can be erased by setting blank email address
    $email = isset($_REQUEST['email']) ? $_REQUEST['email'] : '' ;
    // User's telephone is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['notelephonechange'])) {
    $email = '';
    else {
    // User's telephone can be erased by setting blank telephone address
    $email = isset($_REQUEST['telephone']) ? $_REQUEST['telephone'] : '' ;
    // Group is optional
    if (isset($_REQUEST['nogroupchange'])) {
    $groups = '';

    $hash = sha1( $user . $name . $groups . $email . $telephone . $admin . $token . $secret );

    $url .= '?user=' . urlencode($user) . '&name=' . urlencode($name) . '&hash=' . $hash;

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['nogroupchange'])) {
    $url .= '&groups=' . urlencode($groups);

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['noemailchange'])) {
    $url .= '&email=' . urlencode($email);

    if (!isset($_REQUEST['notelephonechange'])) {
    $url .= '&telephone=' . urlencode($telephone);

    $url .= '&admin=' . $admin;
    header('Location:' . $url);


  25. myDBR Team, Key Master

    if you request the report page, you will get the report page. If you just access myDBR's main page, you will get the main page. Using SSO does not change the report access myDBR URLs .

    myDBR Team

  26. vsivaprabu, Member

    Hi thanks for your support. I have done the sso implementation successfully.

    Its my last request.

    After login mydbr using SSO. When I hit the URL https://xxx.com/mydbr it will list the report is there any way to restrict or hide the logout,Preferences and home menu.


  27. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can control the logout functionality (see documentation for Logout process in SSO). Other than that the items cannot be removed as they are part of the navigation system.

    The OEM version, which is meant for hosted and distributed applications, offer more customization options.

    myDBR Team

  28. vsivaprabu, Member

    Ok thanks for your reply.

    I have another doubt. Is there any way to add the where condition for first parameter(p1) query where from Report parameters(u1).


    select * from users where id = u1


  29. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Did not quite understand the context of the question. Could you elaborate further what you are trying to do?

    myDBR Team

  30. vsivaprabu, Member

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    My first input field is users. I have load all users in drop down as first input field. But I need list particular group of user only. So I send the group id in "U1=1" in the URL.

    1. I have created the parameter USERS
    2. Select the " Select list" radio button
    3. Query filed add the stored procedure name "sp_group"
    4. click the SQL Editor Button
    5. Add the following procedure in editor.

    create procedure sp_group(mydbr_param1)
    select id,name from users where group_id= mydbr_param1;

    When I run the report I getting "No parameters available". Could you please assist me.


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