How to integrate mydbr in cakephp

(83 posts) (2 voices)
  1. radhey_krish, Member

    I have installed mydbr on my localhost and try to integrate in our mvc i.e cake php.
    So please tell me the procedure how to integrate this report tool. I look into the code for the customization but there are encrypted form data with in every .php files. So please help me

    Many thanks in advance

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    There are variety of ways how you can integrate myDBR into your own application depening on what you want to achieve.

    Could you be more specific what you are trying to do?

    myDBR Team

  3. radhey_krish, Member

    I want to implement this tool in multiple tabs in jquery under a particular module where we can see the variety of the reports.Is there any simple way where I just called the reports name directly and show the reports under the various tab section?.

  4. radhey_krish, Member

    What are the variety of the ways to integrate the mydbr? So that we can easily integrated with my existing application.

  5. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR offers multiple ways for you to integrate it to your own application.

    Integration consists of two parts: authentication and then actual report execution and displaying the content in your application.

    For authentication easiest way is to implement myDBR's Single Sign-On protocol, where your application and myDBR will share same logins / user groups.

    For report execution you can either use myDBR's UI to let user execute the reports or call the reports directly from your application. myDBR can deliver the result to your application in multiple ways:

    1) As an web-page which you can embed into your own application
    2) As machine readable data (JSON / XML) which you can process in your own application
    3) As pure content (HTML tables / charts etc)

    Also, as myDBR offers far more than just displaying the report content (allowing user to navigate between reports, create/update data directly in the reports etc etc), the best way for integration really depends on your application and how you wish to utilize the myDBR.

    If you have any specific needs, let us know. We'll go through the options for you.

    myDBR Team

  6. radhey_krish, Member

    Extremely thanks to myDBR Team for quick response. I have last question if I have purchase the license version mydbr then I can fully customize it, that means can I change the code along with my requirement?
    My requirements is simply defined I want to display the report graph only under reports tab not other things like(header,footer and other stuffs). If I include the url like
    http://xxx/xx/app/webroot/mydbr/report.php?r=24&m=1&h=f34b3b4dae0cc4b26c6d9f35a82c20f899f7f993 something like that then it will shows the report graph only on my report tab.

    myDBR can deliver the result to your application in multiple ways:
    1) As an web-page which you can embed into your own application
    can you explain more 1)point along with above my requirement.

  7. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you want for example just get a chart from myDBR and include it into your own application, you can easily do that.

    Reports are fully customizable and as said, myDBR offers multiple ways for you to utilize the reports or other myDBR functionality. You can extend myDBR with the extension API to add new functionality if you have specific needs.

    myDBR Team

  8. radhey_krish, Member

    Can you give me any contact number so I can talk regarding license version.

  9. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Please contact us at or send any questions you may have to the forums.

    myDBR Team

  10. radhey_krish, Member

    <div id="REPORT">
    <iframe name="inlineframe" src="http://xxx/app/webroot/mydbr/report.php?r=24&m=1&h=f34b3b4dae0cc4b26c6d9f35a82c20f899f7f993" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="600" height="600" marginwidth="5" marginheight="5" ></iframe>

    I called the particular report directly in iframe above code if I want to send the dynamic id like below
    http://xxx/app/webroot/mydbr/report.php?r=24&m=1&h=f34b3b4dae0cc4b26c6d9f35a82c20f899f7f993&amp;campaignid=<?php echo $campid ?> and this campaign id want to access in under report query. How can I do that? please give me the explanation

  11. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Please see manual for Direct URL access to reports.

    myDBR Team

  12. radhey_krish, Member

    Hi myDBR team,

    Now I am using the license version mydbr but when I am creating any report and run the reports then there display Result set 1 linked reports option with input fields and Result set 1 chart option with input drop down how can I hide this section? Please help me

  13. radhey_krish, Member

    Result set 1 linked reports:
    Linked Report Procedure Parameter Input

    New linked report:

    Chart type:

    Chart title::
    Chart size: X = px, Y = px

    Transpose table (swap x-axis with legends)

    above things showing on my reports show how can hide this options

  14. radhey_krish, Member

    I fixed it actually I checked the Report Wizard option so it is appearing these options
    Any way many thanks for your always provide quick response.

  15. radhey_krish, Member

    how can i change or remove this text "myDBR Chart examples"? which is display on the report.

  16. radhey_krish, Member

    fixed it

  17. radhey_krish, Member

    Can I changed background color of reports graph?Please give me the code syntax.

  18. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You can pass any ChartDirector command using the dbr.chart.options allowing virtually any kind of formatting:

    select 'dbr.chart.options','chartdirector', '$c->setBackground(0x00FF00);';

    myDBR Team

  19. radhey_krish, Member

    Hello Team,
    1:While I generating the pdf files of a graph then pdf is generated but graph is not coming same thing happening with other option also.Can you tell me why it is happening?

    2: How can I enable only the convert icon(with option pdf,excel,csv) for the graph and rest of other icon wants to hide them?

  20. myDBR Team, Key Master

    1:While I generating the pdf files of a graph then pdf is generated but graph is not coming same thing happening with other option also.Can you tell me why it is happening?

    What kind of graph do you have in the report? Are you using wkhtmltpdf? Does the PDF contain other objects from the report?

    2: How can I enable only the convert icon(with option pdf,excel,csv) for the graph and rest of other icon wants to hide them?

    Could you reprhsase the question. Did not quite understand that.

    myDBR Team

  21. radhey_krish, Member

    What I do in below case

    If I login on my site then myDBR will automatically logged it is possible?
    If yes then How can I integrate in cakephp ? Please help me.

  22. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If I login on my site then myDBR will automatically logged it is possible?

    Yes, myDBR supports Single Sign-On that will allow for you to do this. See documentation for more info.

    If yes then How can I integrate in cakephp ? Please help me.

    myDBR offers variety of integration options depending on what you want to achieve. Please be more specific what you'd like to do.

    myDBR Team

  23. radhey_krish, Member

    Thanks for your quick response
    I look into the documentation but not able to clearly understand the SSO process.


    above is my url where appeared the login page of my site while I entered the correct username and password then mydbr automatically should be logged.
    What need to do here can you tell the process with stepwise please. If you giving me example according to it then it would be very helpful for me

    Thanks a lot in advance
    I am waiting for you reply soon.

  24. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR documentation includes both description of the SSO protocol and working SSO example implementations.

    Example implementations included are for SugarCRM, phpBB and a for a standalone simplified SSO server.

    Please go through documentation and the examples.
    myDBR Team

  25. radhey_krish, Member

    Hi Mydbr Team
    After login on my site then i wrote below code with defined mydbr secret key in environment setting.

    $user = '';
    $name = 'radhey';
    $token = '1av23';
    $url = 'http://xxx/index.php';
    $hash = sha1( $user . $name . $groups . $token . MYDBR_SECRECT );
    $url = $url . '?user=' . urlencode($user) . '&name=' . urlencode($name) . '&hash=' . $hash .'&groups=' . urlencode($groups);
    header('Location:' . $url);
    after header location i got below url but not able to logged in mydbr

    Please help me

  26. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Without more detailed information on your setup it would be difficult to say how to configure your setup. However, myDBR SSO is quite straightforward to implement.

    Please understand that while we do support licensed myDBR users, we cannot implement an SSO solution for your specific setup. We can however help you if you got more specific questions along the way.

    myDBR Team

  27. radhey_krish, Member

    Hello Team,

    I am using the curl for the authentication process to mydbr along with your doc support
    here are the my code for the authentication using curl.
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://xxx/app/webroot/mydbr/report.php?r=27&u1=12&m=5&h=1a847849709773208133c962c952cddf9792c7ef&hdr=0&export=json');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, 'dba:dba');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('X-MYDBR-AUTH: 1'));
    $data = curl_exec($ch);

    echo $data;

    but I am not getting any response. Can you tell me why it is happening ?

  28. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The code looks ok. Couple of things to check:

    1) Does the URL work if you run it directly from myDBR?
    2) What is your authentication method in the server? If it is something else that myDBR authentication, you need to add '&local=1' to the URL.
    3) Does your username / password match?

    myDBR Team

  29. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Are you using a Community or a Premium version?

    myDBR Team

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