(10 posts) (3 voices)
  1. fastscot, Member

    Are there any plans to extend mydbr to other databases using ODBC? My ERP system uses a Firebird SQL database and the only way I can use mydbr is to migrate/update the data to a mysql database at regular intervals. Although the reports do not need to be real time the whole process is cumbersome and it would be nice to have real-time reports.


  2. brad@foreverybody, Blocked

    My company has myDBR running on mssql server but is able to query any database i have thrown at it as long as I set it up as a linked server (which does work with ODBC) I have 2 mssql database servers, 2 mysql database servers, 1 oracle database server, and 1 microsoft access database all linked together and myDBR has no problem with it.

    So I'm thinking you may be able to accomplish something similar by installing myDBR on mySQL then linking your Firebird database. I don't know if mysql does linking link mssql, but its an idea.

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    In order to achieve the level of automation myDBR has, myDBR utilizes database system's features quite extensively, so we need more than the connection to the database.

    To have a direct access to Firebird database the best option at the moment is to use a db gateway (such as MS SQL Server's Linked Server Brad mentioned) or use replication between the master and reporting database.

    myDBR Team

  4. fastscot, Member

    It is not possible to link directly from mysql to a linked database such as firebird as you can in mssql. I had thought of using Brad's suggestion but I need to test to see if it works with the free sqlexpress version. Thanks for your responses.


  5. fastscot, Member

    Well, I got everything working using a linked server in SQLEXPRESS however when I try to run a report I get the following error message: Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server. I can run the procedure from the query analyzer in the mssm studio but not thru mydbr. I searched all over the internet for a solution with no resolution. Any ideas?

  6. brad@foreverybody, Blocked

    what version of SQLServer and 32 or 64 bit?

    additional question, are you able to run the stored procedure in management studio or just the SQL statement your procedure is based on?

    I suspect your problem is a permissions issue, make sure the myDBR user has sufficient permission to query linked servers and/or access ODBCs.

  7. fastscot, Member

    I am able to run the stored procedure in management studio. I am also able to run a report if the select statement in the stored procedure uses a table in the mydbr database (see below)

    This procedure works:

    select * from mydbr_userlogin

    This procedure does NOT work:

    select * from DBA...JOBTYPE

    DBA is the name of the linked server and JOBTYPE is a table in the linked server database.

    Both procedures work however in management studio.

    I have searched everywhere and am at a total loss on how to fix this. Any help or pointers would be much appreciated.



  8. brad@foreverybody, Blocked

    when you say it doesn't work what happens? do you get an error?

    try using OPENQUEY command to see if that works. I had a lot of issues setting up my linked servers, and I recall having to change some database configurations to get them to work right.

  9. fastscot, Member

    When I run a report from mydbr web site using the stored procedure accessing the linked server I get the error 'Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server DBA'

    When I run a report from the mydbr web site using the stored procedure accessing the mydbr database, the data is displayed.

    Hope that clarifies.

    I'll try using openquery and see what happens.


  10. brad@foreverybody, Blocked

    judging by that message I would say your linked server is not setup correctly. forget about myDBR for a min if you will.

    from management studio after you set up the linked server try querying from within management studio if it works from management studio but not myDBR I would say you have a permissions problem for the myDBR user.

    you can right click a linked server and select 'test connection' to make sure the connection is working.

    make sure you enable oledb connections in the sql server configuration.

    I promise what you are trying to do is possible. I do it everyday.


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