More formatting options for retrieved data

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. SteveD, Member

    With the emergence of mobile devices a bit more control over how retrieved information is displayed would be great, particularly with regards to tables.

    At present we only have two real options for displaying tables, either the default in which all information is displayed on one row or dbr.pageview where all data is displayed in one column.

    It would be useful for people that are designing reports that they know will for example always be displayed on a 9 or 10 inch tablet to be able to choose that information be displayed across X number of columns or rows within a table.

    As examples something along the lines of dbr.columncount or dbr.rowcount to automatically use the defined number of rows or columns per line of returned data, or possibly something along the lines of dbr.break indicating that anything after the dbr.break starts on a new row, such as:
    SELECT column1, column2, column3, dbr.break, column4, column5, column6 FROM somedatabase
    would display the results similar to
    column1data : column2data : column3data
    column4data : column5data : column6data

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    By arranging columns like that, things like column headers, footers and column sorting would be bit more difficult to handle.

    If you do not need those features, you can quite easily achieve what you described with dbr.divify.

    We will be also bring templates to next version of myDBR. Templates will allow for you to define how headers, rows and footers are constructed fron the data. This will give you even more flexibility.

    myDBR Team


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