I realise that there is another thread regarding connected parameters, but rather than clutter that one up I have started another because I cannot seem to get connected parameters to work at all.
In my report the fourth parameter is a popup that depends on the value of the second parameter.
The procedure that provides the lookup values is as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DBR_puLocations @mydbr_param2 int
CREATE TABLE #tmp( LocationID int NOT NULL, Location varchar(50) NOT NULL, LocationAbbreviation varchar(max) NOT NULL ) insert into #tmp exec ABSDEV.dbo.qselStorageLocationsByWarehouse @mydbr_param2; select LocationID, Location from #tmp drop table #tmp
If under the parameter queries section for parameter 4 I use
sp_DBR_puLocations 76
then everything works as expected
However if I use
then the report errors because the stored procedure wants a value passing to it.
If I use
sp_DBR_puLocations mydbr_param2
I get an error generate due to the stored procedure trying to convert a nvarchar to an int.
If I use
sp_DBR_puLocations @mydbr_param2
I get an error about @mydbr_param2 not being declared.
How do I connect parameter 4 to parameter 2?