dbr.chart issues after 3.8.0 upgrade

(8 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. tswaine, Member

    The following below no longer works after upgrade....

    set @modelreference = (select modelreference from janitor_times order by modelreference limit 1);
    select 'dbr.chart', 'Line' , @modelreference, 1500;

    Specifically the "select 'dbr.chart', 'Line' , @modelreference, 1500;" is suppose
    to output the name for each graph. However, it no longer works but graphs are present.

  2. tswaine, Member

    Btw the rest of the chart config......

    SELECT 'dbr.chart.options', 'imagechart';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showvalues', 0;
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartRightMargin', 30;
    select date_format(startdate, '%m/%d') startdate, avg_time from janitor_times where modelreference = @modelreference;
    delete from janitor_times where modelreference = @modelreference;

    UNTIL (select count(*) from janitor_times)=0 END REPEAT;

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    the chart titles should work just fine.

    Could you run the report procedure in SQL Editor with the checkbox "Output as SQL" checked. This will generate SQL statements which we can run to duplicate your report without your database structure / data. Send the output to support and we'll take a look at it. Also, please attach the chart image as it is shown to you.

    myDBR Team

  4. tswaine, Member

    hmmm....when I do that the output is blank

  5. tswaine, Member

    Here is the report code btw....

    DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_DBR_janitor_tracking
    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DBR_janitor_tracking()

    create temporary table janitor_times as

    select modelreference, date(starttime) as startdate, avg(timestampdiff(SECOND, starttime, endtime)) as avg_time from newcomputerrepair.janitor_tracking where starttime >= date_sub(now(), interval 30 day) and dayname(starttime) not in ('Saturday', 'Sunday') and timestampdiff(SECOND, starttime, endtime) > 0 group by date(starttime), modelreference order by modelreference, starttime asc;

    set @counter=1;


    set @modelreference = (select modelreference from janitor_times order by modelreference limit 1);
    select 'dbr.chart', 'Line' , @modelreference, 1500;
    SELECT 'dbr.chart.options', 'imagechart';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showvalues', 0;
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'chartRightMargin', 30;
    select date_format(startdate, '%m/%d') startdate, avg_time from janitor_times where modelreference = @modelreference;
    delete from janitor_times where modelreference = @modelreference;

    UNTIL (select count(*) from janitor_times)=0 END REPEAT;


  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    hmmm....when I do that the output is blank

    Go to SQL Editor, check the "Output as SQL" checkbox and run command:

    call sp_DBR_janitor_tracking();

    This will execute your procedure and convert the data coming out from procedure into SQL. This allows for us to run the same report without your tables and data.

    Also, please attach the chart image as it is shown to you.
    myDBR Team

  7. tswaine, Member

    Long post removed

  8. myDBR Team, Key Master


    We got the query.

    The charts looks ok to us. Could you send one of the charts as an image to support email-address so we could see what the problem is.

    myDBR Team


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