Report visibility

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. elb98rm, Member

    Is it possible to have a report "not visible" from the homepage, but still accessible?

    We've got quite a few reports now, and to organise them in a logical manner, I've ended up using some quite extensive click through pages.
    This has basically become a website of reports... which makes the raw homepage fill up with a lot of reports.

    Can I hide visibility of these from the homepage for some users, while still letting them have access to the report itself?

    That way I can build an "idiot proof" website that makes them start at the beginning (and hence all variables/dates are formatted correctly).

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Yes it is possible.

    The access right to a report and the visibility of the report in main page are two separate things. User can access any report (s)he has access rights to.

    Usually the main level contains the reports where user starts from. Other reports (usually linked reports) can be hidden from user by putting them in a folder which is invisible to the user. These reports are still accessible to the user (via linking or using known URL) even if they are in a folder invisible to the user.

    myDBR Team

  3. elb98rm, Member

    Awesome - I'll try this... many thanks.


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