How to execute diff - diff report using connectedparameter by passing different - different criteria

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  1. radhey_krish, Member

    Hello myDBR Team,

    How to execute different-different report in connected parameter?
    Scenario: I have 4 drop down list using connect parameter
    1:If I selected first drop-down and rest of three selected 'All' option then wants to call report-1
    and 2:If I selected first and second drop-down list and rest of two selected as "All" option then want to call report-2
    and 3:If I selected first,second and third drop-down list and rest of one as selected "All" option then want to call report-3
    and 4:If I selected as a value in 4 drop-down list then want to call report-4

    Note:It would be possible these 4 reports can call under one procedure by passing above four scenario

    Please reply immediate and It would be better if you give me a example and links

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    when user makes the selections from report parameters and clicks the 'Run report' button, the values of the selected parameters are passed to the report.

    You can then check, inside the report, what the user parameters were and call whatever report you like using the SQL's call / exec syntax.

    myDBR Team


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