Sharing Result Sets/Tables between reports

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  1. SteveD, Member

    Is there a recommended way to share temporary result set's between reports (procedures) in myDBR?

    Local temporary tables fall out of scope between reports and Global temporary tables won't work as they are shared between users.

    At present I have been creating regular tables for individual users and using those, but it's a messy solution as it in effect creates hundreds of new tables that are only holding temporary information.

    Just wondered if there was a better way.

    The underlying database is SQL Server 2008 R2

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    In general, you should think twice before you go into managing cache tables. In most cases the work amount needed outweight the benefits. Usually the better solution is to use views / stored procedures / table-valued functions.

    If you still do want to cache/share temporary information between the reports the way to do it use normal tables with user id field. This way you can use one table / cache and still have users to share it.

    myDBR Team


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