Processing icon while working / loading page

(3 posts) (2 voices)
  1. situ, Member


    Is there a technique to show an animated processing icon while the report page is running / loading in myDBR?

    If not it would be a cool feature to have. It would also be cool to show this when generating a PDF Excel etc. but my priority is while the report is running.



  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    While it could be a nice addition, adding a animated processing icon would add some complexity to report handling as reprort URL's are called not only from inside myDBR but reports used in various other ways as well. We could add it solely to myDBR but also that would bring some extra overhead.

    myDBR Team

  3. situ, Member

    Sorry for the delay been rushed from one thing to the next.

    Having the loading logo inside myDBR probably wouldn't help me as I call reports based on the report URL only and render in my app.

    Will discuss with someone to see if we magic up a solution my users get unnecessarily anxious when they see a blank screen or just a title with no data for anything more than 3 seconds, a reassuring loading logo would help.


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