In a linked report with a parameter passed from the calling report, I would like to be able to change the parameter before the linked (called) report runs. Is there a way I can do this? For now, the linked report runs automatically without seeing the parameter value.
Alterable parameters
(6 posts) (2 voices)-
Could you elaborate bit what you are trying to do. What do mean by "change the parameter"?
myDBR Team -
When you run a linked report from the calling report with a parameter which is from the calling report, the linked report runs immediately. Instead of that behavior, I would like the parameter from the calling report to be displayed in a user input box before the linked report runs so that I could change the parameter value if needed. This would bring the mydbr reporting system to a new level of interactivity where users could effectively change existing data in the database using update statement(s) in the stored procedure. Existing data fields could be displayed in user input parameter boxes and then altered as required. Hope this clarifies a bit.
Yes, this feature has actually already been in the TODO-list.
myDBR Team -
Excellent! When will it be available?
No fixed timetable yet, but it will be in.
myDBR Team
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