I'm evaluating myDBR right now and so far, it's been pretty good. I'm having some small trouble with representing duration value that is stored in a MySQL TIME column.
In my repot data table, which is done through a simple select, the duration has "am" or "pm" appended to it because myDBR recognizes it as time. Since it's a duration, I don't want to have am or pm, how do I get rid of that?
A similar problem with a chart, if I simply plot my chart as:
select if(dayofweek(date_checked)=2,date_checked,'') date_check, duration
from db_data.sample;
There is nothing on the chart and Y axis has NaN labels. I can convert time to seconds with time_to_sec() but it's pretty incovenient and I'd rather see times on the chart and the Y axis. Is there a way to do it using Flash charts?