Feature request

(3 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. elb98rm, Member


    Having used Moodle extensively one of it's great features is the ability to "log in as..."

    I'm currently in the process of implementing a single sign on solution and it's generally good, however: I still get a raft of calls about access.

    As an admin it would be good to be able to log in as that person and check their access. As you can imagine: sometimes it's just user error, not access problems. A simple "login as" would stop a lot of emails and general admin problems.

    If you've not seen the Moodle functionality - try it... it's the kind of thing that once you've seen it: you realise you can't live without it! :)


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    OK, we can take a look at it.

    myDBR Team

  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    This feature is included in the myDBR 3.9.4. Once logged in as admin, you can choose another user identity from preferences.

    myDBR Team


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