not logging in after installation

(4 posts) (2 voices)
  1. coolvarun, Member


    Yesterday i downloaded the new version of mydbr. Am using windows seven. First step of installation will keep on appearing. Means that PHP Loader,Download ionCube loader,etc... But i correctly installed.

    Then i tried uploading the package to the ftp server and check. But it is also unscuccessful. In FTP, it goes upto 5 steps, after getting all the database and password details, everything is over. While clicking the "Completed" button it says the error "Error in database operation. Contact your admin."

    I dnt know what to do? I was working with this for 2days.. totally upset. Is the new version stable? Or where can i download the older versions?

    Thanks in Advance

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Current version is stable so you should be able to complete the installation.

    What does "Then i tried uploading the package to the ftp server and check" mean?

    If you now point your browser to your myDBR installation what is the screen that you do get? If you get an error message what does it say?

    myDBR Team

  3. coolvarun, Member

    Ya thanks for your quick reply.

    "Then i tried uploading the package to the ftp server and check" means, first i checked with the local machine. In my local machine am not able to cross the first step. So i uploaded the package in to the ftp server.

    In FTP Server all the installation process gets completed finely. But it shows the error "Error in database operation. Contact your admin."

    Can any one help?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    What are you doing when you get the error message? What is the exact screen where you get the message?

    Looks like there is something wrong in your database / access rights. You may want to try the manual installation.

    myDBR Team


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