I have a report that I've added editing capabilities to. This report is basically just showing the entire contents of a mysql table (called 'child'), and allowing a user to edit the contents. One of the fields in the rows of this table is called 'parentid', and it refers to another table (called 'parent'). I need users to be able to change the parent that the child record is associated with, so I want to give them a drop down (popup in mydbr-speak) list of parents to pick from. That's fine, I have this all setup and it works.
The problem is that when I edit an existing record, I'm using a parameter query to populate the 'popup' (drop down) list with all available parents, but the EXISTING parent id assigned to that record is not selected by default. So the problem I have is that if someone edits a child record in order to edit a different field (say, the 'notes' field for example), unless they specifically set the 'parent' dropdown back to what it's "supposed" to be, the dropdown is defaulting to the first entry that the parameter query returns.
So my question is: knowing that I'm using a parameter query as the default selection for this field, how do I make it autoselect the existing value so I don't force my users to do this everytime they edit a record?