$layer for chartdirector msline not having any affect

(2 posts) (2 voices)
  1. I am trying something like

    select 'dbr.chart.options','chartdirector', '$layer->setLineWidth(1);';

    But the width of the line in the chart does not change at all. Can someone point me in the right direction. I just want slightly thinner lines in the chartdirector charts. Complete set of chart options that I am using:

    select 'dbr.chart', 'msline', 'Some chart title', 950, 350;
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showvalues', '0';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'imagechart';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'rotateNames', '45';
    select 'dbr.chart.options','chartdirector', '$c->xAxis->setLabelStep(2);$c->getPlotArea()->setGridColor(0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0);';
    select 'dbr.chart.options','chartdirector', '$layer->setLineWidth(1);';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'axis', 'Some X title', 'Some Y title';


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Nothing wrong with your code. Seems to be that ChartDirector is not applying certain commands when multiseries chart's legend is applied.

    We'll try to figure out a fix for the next release.
    myDBR Team


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