The 'Remember Me' affects only the login name, it will not store your password. The browser handles the password based on the username.
When you use insecure connection (HTTP), myDBR for now uses hashed passwords when doing a login. This means that the browser will usually not save the password. When you use secure connection (HTTPS), myDBR sends the password using SSL encrypted connection and browser is able to store the password.
You can also set myDBR to use salted passwords (passwords stored inside myDBR are stored as salted hash. If you enable this feature, all password handling is the same regardless if you use HTTP or HTTPS and browser is able to save the password. We're planning on setting this as a default behavior in future releases.
To fix your 8-character / 3-character password, clear the Chrome stored password.
The timeout parameter is defined in Environment settings-> Authentication / security -> Session lifetime. This parameter is tied into yourt PHP's gc_maxlifetime-directive. If your session times out too fast, increase the 'Session lifetime' parameter.
myDBR Team