Aggregate functions are not working in the reports

(19 posts) (2 voices)


  1. yam, Member

    Hi Team,
    I setup mydbr recently ,It is not working when i use group by ,sum.....etc.
    It's working only for select * from Employee ; And I am using latest vesrion of mydbr and mysql version: 5.0.95 . server apache .. PLease help out with this..

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Could you show the code that is not working?

    myDBR Team

  3. yam, Member

    query: select empid,empname ,sum(sal) from myddname.employee where data b/w date1 and date2 group by empid;

    It's showing white page..

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    could you copy / paste the exact report code as shown in SQL Editor. The "data b/w date1 and date2" is not valid SQL. myDBR can accept and execute any valid SQL.

    myDBR Team

  5. yam, Member

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DBR_test(startDate date, endDate date)

    select empid,empname ,sum(sal) from mydb.employee where data between startDate and endDate group by empid;


    the above is procedure , and input startDaet = 2013-09-21,endDate = 2013-09-23 ;

    same query when i given as select * from employee . it's working fine.. Let me know as early as possible..

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    the procedure looks ok. What is the datatype of the 'data' column in mydb.employee?

    To narrow the problem down, does your installation work i.e can you execute any reports? When you say the report produces an empty ("white page") result, that would indicate that there is something wrong in the installation.

    Even if the query would not produce any results, you should still see result headers "empid", "empname", "sum(sal)" showing up.

    You can also validate your procedure if you execute:

    call sp_DBR_test( '2013-09-21', '2013-09-23');

    from the MySQL command line. myDBR should produce same result though.

    myDBR Team

  7. yam, Member

    I could be able to do that through command line, but why UI is not showing, can you help me out through this . How to check this issue

  8. myDBR Team, Key Master

    it is bit difficut give more detailed help with information given. From myDBR's perspective the report query looks ok and myDBR will execute any valid SQL as it uses native stored procedures.

    You did not answer to the question if your installation works at all i.e can you execute any reports (like included demo reports)?

    myDBR Team

  9. yam, Member

    Those are working fine..

  10. myDBR Team, Key Master

    What was the output from your report when you run it?
    1) Totally blank, nothing generated even in HTML source
    2) Some HTML generated but the result set not shown
    3) Result set headers shown but no data

    myDBR Team

  11. yam, Member

    option 1 ,

  12. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Does myDBR ask for the parameter values?

    It sounds like some kind of installation problem. Without access to the server it is hard tell what might cause this.

    We'd advise to try to isolate the problem with different scenarios.

    myDBR Team

  13. yam, Member

    But one day , it worked well and still it is running for select * from table; queries but not group by queries.

  14. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Most likely you have an error in your query. The group by queries does not affect the report execution. The group by is standard SQL statement and myDBR does not even know there is a group by query (the query is executed in the server and myDBR only reads the result set).

    If your server is online, we can take a look so you can go forward.

    myDBR Team

  15. yam, Member

    Procedure is working fine in command line , but it comes to mydbr it is not working . One more doubt can we use one license for two installations..

  16. yam, Member

    I mean two servers.

  17. myDBR Team, Key Master

    There is something wrong in your installation that causes the blank output. Even if there was an error in your report you would get some output (with error message). If your output is totally blank as you said, there is a problem with your installation. Why some reports work, it is impossible to say with the information given.

    myDBR is licensed per installation. If you have two installations, each of them has their own license.

    myDBR Team

  18. yam, Member

    Hi ,
    I Installed one more time still the same error , how did you check this through server.

  19. myDBR Team, Key Master

    We have not checked this from your server. As said, with the information given, we can only guess what might be wrong in your setup.

    If you have a Premium license you can open a ticket in the support and our engineer will help fix this for you.

    myDBR Team


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