Menu Icon button positioning. - suggestion

(4 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. hubcarter, Member

    Having now created a significant # of desktop drill-down reports in just a few weeks, I am now ready to view the same on an Ipad.

    One suggestion to help in this scenario (and also on the desktop rendering if a small screen) is for the Drilldown Menu Icon to appear on the left instead of the right (while still creating a popup selector of child reports).

    Browser rendering on all devices always preserves the left hand columns whereas the right-hand columns may not be in viewable at all on the Ipad and only with slider bars on the Desktop

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The drill-down icon in the rightmost column is only used if linked report is not attached to any column.

    You can attach a linked report to any column. You can also attach multiple reports to the same column.

    If you wish to put the menu on the left, just attach it to a first column. If you want, you can even reuse the drilldown menu icon.

    myDBR Team

  3. hubcarter, Member

    I attempted to place the drill-down link on a column and that appears to do the trick except - it corrupts the filter field if on the asme column as the hyperlink.

    Example - I have report where
    1. 2nd column is a customer name
    2. a filter is on the same column
    3. There are 2 linked reports
    3a) sales by group
    3b) Invoice Detail

    If the linked reports are 'inline' - all is well

    If the linked reports are tied to 'column 2' (customer name - same as filter)
    1. The filter populates not only with the customer name but also the titles of the linked reports.
    2. The column width of the customer name is now as wide as the incorrect filter's largest value. Therefore pushing the right hand columns off screen.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    you can run the updater to get the latest build which ignores the linked reports from columnfilter.

    myDBR Team


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