Injecting a custom script ?

(6 posts) (2 voices)
  1. dazzer13, Member


    Is there any way to inject a script globally for all pages, currently have a simple script which allows the page to talk to a parent page as we're loading it inside an iframe, we also want to add a custom date picker for a better ui/ux experience.

    We have tried to add these to the server side html files but these only run for a few of the pages, and not all. Ideally it would be added on any page within myDBR.

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you :)

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    with "all pages" are you meaning really all pages or all reports?

    You could put the script in an extra procedure which you then call from the report. This way you would be able to control when the script would execute as it is possible to embed reports inside other reports.

    Do you have a suggestion for better date picker and any functionality you would like to add to the current one?

    myDBR Team

  3. dazzer13, Member

    Ideally we want to simply have this script always added to any page, home, parament-selection and reports, and not have to individually add it to each report.

    Currently it's really just the parameter selection page of reports which we can't add the script too or easily style/customize. Also would prefer to only have it in one spot so it's easily change-able :)

    Thank you for the quick response :)

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    To have a single procedure which contains the script will make it easy to maintain. There is currently no place that would allow scripting of all pages.

    Did you have a suggestion for better date picker and any functionality you would like to add to the current one? All suggestions are welcomed.

    myDBR Team

  5. dazzer13, Member

    I don't think the procedure will help because it's specifically the parameter selection page we can't control, i.e. pick these dates. The producers only run for the reports, no?

    Regarding ui, we want to makeit more tablet friendly and looking at doing it more like this


  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    I don't think the procedure will help because it's specifically the parameter selection page we can't control, i.e. pick these dates. The producers only run for the reports, no?

    This is correct. Although you can add code to parameter pages as well, you would need to include the script in parameters.

    Regarding ui, we want to makeit more tablet friendly and looking at doing it more like this

    Looks nice, although it has dependency to bootstrap. myDBR moved to jQuery datepicker in latest builds.

    myDBR Team


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