Localization: adding french

(4 posts) (2 voices)


  1. Tom, Member


    I'd like to add French to my mydbr instance, so I can also translate the #{thing}s in my reports.

    I've done as the manual says: "myDBR's UI's localization strings are located in /interface/languages/-directory. To add support for new language add corresponding language file".
    I copied the en_US.php file in that folder and named it fr_FR.php. However, when I refresh the mydbr admin page, the dropdown list that says "select language" doesn't include French. I restarted my webserver, but no avail.

    What am I doing wrong?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    To add a a translation to myDBR following steps are required:

    • Create a localized file (fr_FR.php) into mydbr/interface/languages and make sure it is readable by the web server
    • Include the language into active languages from under Environment settings/Formatting defaults/Language

    You should now be able to select French language as your own from Preferences.

    If you want to share the translation with others, we're more than happy to include it to myDBR.

    myDBR Team

  3. Tom, Member

    Thanks, that worked!
    If only it were in the manual at the relevant area.. ;-)

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    We'll update the documentation. Thanks for pointing that out.

    In order to complete the localization, you might want to set the formatting options for French locale:

    update mydbr_languages
    set date_format = 'd/m/Y', time_format = 'H:i:s', thousand_separator = ' ', decimal_separator = ','
    where lang_locale = 'fr_FR'

    myDBR Team


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