I am using the below syntax, but when i run the report is get error "Operand should contain 1 column(s)"
The error message is MySQL message trying to tell that the SQL-syntax is incorrect.
Best way to include arbitaty HTML formatting is to use templates. This way you will separate the HTML from the actual report code.
You can use following code:
select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_int_char', 'new_window', '[header]', 'inBusinessUnit=(inBusinessUnit)', 'inMajorBrand=(inMajorBrand)';
select 'dbr.template', '#header_tmpl';
select 'IBM S&D Client Reps' as 'header';
The 'header_tmpl'-template would include the HTML code
<h3 style="margin-left: -285px;">#header</h3>
myDBR Team