Store versions of stored procedure in database

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  1. maron, Member

    We use mydbr quite extensively for reporting. Over the course of 2 years we have had a few times where we have lost our reports when we have saved it with an error.

    We realize it is possible to use the java version control but we would prefer if every version would be stored in database instead on save.

    This could be limited to x days or turned off in preferences but I think in our case we would store every single version - this would also make the revert process much simpler as well.

    I imagine this as a simple table with the name of the procedure, it's version number, creation_time and text of the stored procedure.

    Would this be something you would consider?

    I realize that the mydbr sync can be used to version control the procedures - however the main problem I see with it is that the development model in mydbr is often saving a new version multiple times an hour - if something goes wrong and you accidentally close the browser window - all changes are lost.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    It is more like a recovery buffer you are out after rather than a version control.

    We'll take a look if there is something that could be done.

    myDBR Team

  3. maron, Member

    Yes - that is correct - so in case there is an error the last functional version would always be accessible.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    you can check the latest build. We've added a history function for the SQL Editor which remembers last edited objects and last executed command which you can then recover.

    myDBR Team

  5. maron, Member

    Just wanted to say thanks - had to use this earlier today for the first time and it certainly saved me from losing a long and complicated procedure - well implemented.


  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    You're welcome. It was, after all, your request.

    myDBR Team


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