I have a report to list all values of a certain table with date. If the date of each value is equal to present date then i am highlighting the row in 'RED'. This appears fine in the report but when i export to excel the color is not passed. Which makes the task difficult to find out the matching dates.
How can i color the value in excel same as in the report or is there any command to highlight such values?
select 'dbr.cellstyle', 'Program', 'style';
select ...
if((select count(ta.usr_datetime) from sipo_db.TAXAUDIT_tm_ibm_taxonomy_audits ta
LEFT join sipo_db.tm_m_ibm_taxdtls tm on tm.id=ta.code_val where tm.type_id=51 and ta.code_val=tc2.masterid and ta.type_of_change=2 and ta.usr_datetime between instartdate and inenddate)>0,'color:red','') as 'style'