update directory not writable

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. Prosaicon, Member

    Yesterday I had to renew my license.

    After adding it, I had to:
    Update myDBR to use these licenses. Your myDBR version is 3.9.0. --> Update myDBR

    Update wizard failed getting:

    The following files and directories are currently not writable to your web server

    The folder contains 1 file latest.zip

    Can't chown or chmod. Permissions is d--------- and immutable bit is set.


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR update (=web server) needs write access to files under mydbr-directory. in order ro perform the update, myDBR first fecthes the update package to update directory, unpacks it and performs the update.

    Remove the immutable bit using chattr-command and change the permissions for the diretory to allow web server to write to it.

    myDBR Team


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