SQL server nested cursor problem

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  1. normanlrx, Member

    I use a table result from a SQL Server 2012 procedure for my report data.
    The procedure works fine when tested in SSMS - however when I use it in my report I get

    500 - Internal server error.
    There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

    If I comment the inner nested cursor the report works, but obviously without the required data. I have included the proc below.
    Why use cursors? will probably be asked - I used SQL PIVOT previously and it worked but takes 2 minutes to complete. This proc completes in 2 seconds. I don't know DBR well enough yet to use cross tabs.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    USE [SMSC]
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[[ReportStatsByDay]] Script Date: 2014/06/05 06:24:03 AM ******/
    GO -- [ReportStatsByDay] 4, '5 may 2014', '5 june 2014' ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ReportStatsByDay]
    @CustomerID int,
    @Start datetime,
    @End datetime
    BEGIN Declare @inLogin varchar(50)
    Declare @CustomerName varchar(50)
    Declare @CreditLimit int DECLARE @TempTime datetime
    Declare @DateList Table ([Date] datetime, [Enroute] int, [Delivered] int, [Expired] int, [Rejected] int, [Undeliverable] int, [Unknown] int, [Balance] int)
    Declare @Day datetime
    Declare @ResultCode int
    Declare @ResultCount int set @TempTime = @Start; WHILE @TempTime <= @End
    INSERT @DateList values(@TempTime, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0)
    set @TempTime = DATEADD(day, 1, @TempTime)
    END; Declare @DayCursor Cursor;
    Declare @DayStatus int;
    Declare @ResCursor Cursor;
    Declare @ResStatus int;
    Declare @Balance int; set @DayCursor = Cursor for select [Date] from @DateList order by [Date];
    Open @DayCursor;
    fetch next from @DayCursor into @Day;
    set @DayStatus = @@FETCH_STATUS
    While @DayStatus = 0
    if @Day < '30 May 2014'
    set @ResCursor = Cursor for
    select ResultCode, Count(*) from
    select MessageID, max(resultcode) ResultCode from
    select r.MessageID, r.ResultCode
    from SMSC.dbo.messagequeueArchive q left outer join SMSC.dbo.messageresultArchive r on q.MessageID=r.MessageID
    where q.timeinserted between @Day and DATEADD(day, 1, @Day) and CustomerID=@CustomerID
    ) a group by MessageID
    ) b group by ResultCode
    set @ResCursor = Cursor for
    select ResultCode, Count(*) from
    select MessageID, max(resultcode) ResultCode from
    select r.MessageID, r.ResultCode
    from SMSC.dbo.messagequeueArchive q left outer join SMSC.dbo.messageresultArchive r on q.ExternalRef=r.MessageID
    where q.timeinserted between @Day and DATEADD(day, 1, @Day) and CustomerID=@CustomerID
    ) a group by MessageID
    ) b group by ResultCode set @Balance=(select top 1 Balance from SMSC.dbo.CustomerBalanceLog where CustomerID=@CustomerID
    and abs(datediff(day,CustomerBalanceLog.balanceTime,@Day))<1 order by BalanceTime desc) update @DateList set Balance=@Balance where [Date]=@Day
    --Open @ResCursor;
    --fetch next from @ResCursor into @ResultCode, @ResultCount;
    --set @ResStatus = @@FETCH_STATUS
    --While @ResStatus = 0
    -- update @DateList set
    -- Unknown = (case when @ResultCode is null then isnull(@ResultCount,0) else unknown end),
    -- Enroute = (case when @ResultCode = 1 then isnull(@ResultCount,0) else Enroute end),
    -- Delivered = (case when @ResultCode = 2 then isnull(@ResultCount,0) else Delivered end),
    -- Expired = (case when @ResultCode = 3 then isnull(@ResultCount,0) else Expired end),
    -- Undeliverable = (case when @ResultCode = 5 then isnull(@ResultCount,0) else Undeliverable end),
    -- Rejected = (case when @ResultCode = 8 then isnull(@ResultCount,0) else Rejected end)
    -- where [Date]= @Day -- fetch next from @ResCursor into @ResultCode, @ResultCount;
    -- set @ResStatus = @@FETCH_STATUS
    --Close @ResCursor
    fetch next from @DayCursor into @Day;
    set @DayStatus = @@FETCH_STATUS End
    Close @DayCursor
    select * from @DateList END

  2. normanlrx, Member

    Hi, I found the problem.

    The outer join generates a warning:
    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
    This warning prevents the report from running.

    Is there a way to get MyDBR to ignore this warning, as the result set is valid?


  3. myDBR Team, Key Master

    Is is a SQL Server warning that is shown if ANSI warnings are set on. To ignore the message, put


    in beginning of the procedure.

    You can also override the myDBR's default setting (defined in mydbr/defaults.php) by setting the value in mydbr/user/defaults.php. The entry is $mydbr_defaults['db_connection']['sql_server_init'].

    myDBR Team


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