importing in LOCAL mydbr pre-existing reports on server side mydbr

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  1. vittorio, Member

    I need to import in my local mydbr test version reports I have existing on my server side.

    how cna I do this?

    I've tried to dump the dbase importing it locally but I cannot do this getting back 1004 error.

    can you please help me on how to do this smmothly.


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master


    Transferring a myDBR database from one server to another involves dumping the database on the old server and importing the database to a new server.

    Please refer to the MySQL or MS SQL server manuals on how you can dump and import databases.

    Once the new database is imported in the new server, make sure that the access rights are configured correctly for the myDBR user. For that you might want to re-run the installation wizard. Just change the value of SETUP_DONE to false in mydbr_config.php and open the myDBR start page in your web-browser.

    Best Regards,

    myDBR Team

  3. vittorio, Member

    thanks we have teid to dump th edbase unsuccessfully.

    was wondering if MYDBr has some particular set up for the dumping.

    we have executed the mydbrconfig changes however the problem remain


  4. vittorio, Member

    dear sir

    I have this message when I try to open imported reports after MYDBR dbase dumping into a local machine

    Report procedure does not exists in the database. Make sure the procedure is correctly created.

    It appears MYDBR does not understand where the STORED PROCEDURES are.

    can you help me?



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