I try to pass parameter to dbr.report like that:
select 'dbr.report', 'sp_DBR_Note_List', 'new_popup', 'inID=ID', 'inTaxCode=(inTaxCode)', 'inDate*=(inDate)';
Th e sp_Note_List require Note field so when user click, it popup to input Note with some information above (TaxCode, inDate). But the inDate is always editable, in both "*=" or "<=", even I change 'inDate*=(inDate)' to concat('inDate*="',inDate'"');.
But the main problem is when I change the inDate (because it editable) to another date not equal with inDate's input value, it shows "Report security hash does not match. Report execution aborted.". This appear when I use "*=", the "<=" not error.