I have a bar chart with a number of dates on the x-axis. I would like to use different colours for the bars based on defined date ranges. So I would have different coloured bars on the same chart. Is this possible?
Conditional Styling of Bar Charts
(7 posts) (2 voices)-
You can use dbr.chart.color to set the colors used in the chart (color map). If you want to set color based on the label, use chart option 'label_color' to define the color for specific label.--
myDBR Team -
Ok, yes I've got no problem changing colours using dbr.chart.color but that changes the colour of all bars in my chart. I'm not sure how labels would help, I'm only selecting 2 fields. I have this:
select 'dbr.chart','Column3d';
select date,total
from mytable
group by dateI want the totals to appear in different colours depending on the date.
You can do:
select distinct 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', date, '0x00FF00'
from mytable
where date <'2014-01-01'
This will give you green labels for dates previous to this year.Btw, you are missing aggregate function from your total (sum(total)) as you are using group by.
myDBR Team -
Thanks, that looks like a promising solution but I can't get it working. My full statement is:
select 'dbr.chart','Column3d', 'Accounts Tasks ARD by Month', 1100 as 'x';
select 'dbr.chart.options','rotateNames', 40;
select distinct 'dbr.chart.options', 'label_color', ARD, '0x00FF00'
from mytable
where ARD <'2014-01-01';
SELECT if (ARD<date_sub(now(),interval 11 month),concat(date_format(date_sub(now(),interval 1 year),'%M %y')," or earlier"),
date_format(ARD,'%M %y')) as ARD, Monthly
FROM mytable; -
Just to update I've got this working as expected if I remove the date_format in the final select statement. Is there a way to do this leaving the formatted date in place?
you can use the date formatting (or choose not to use it) as long as your date format is the same in label_color and in the actual query.The label_color option just builds a label-color pair array and matched the defined labels to the labels in actual query.
myDBR Team
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