I did my best to scour the forums for the answer to this question and I've reached the level of frustration to warrant asking... =)
I have a report that displays a list of records. I then want to use a popup to allow the user to edit any of the presented values. The good news is that it works! Except... I can't figure out why the passed values aren't showing up for the user to edit. All I get is the button. If I don't pass a parameter then it'll offer me the option to fill in the blank. But if it's passed, with the <= it still ends up treating it like I had only specified =.
Here's the main procedure:
@SearchString varchar(50)
select 'dbr.hidecolumn', 'ID'
select 'dbr.report'
,'Email<=Email'; select
from VCR.dbo.RenterRecords
where lastname like '%' + @SearchString + '%'
order by ID END
If it matters/helps, I'm using MSSQL. And yeah, the parameters in sp_DBR_Renter_Record_Update match the column names. Here's that parameter just to be thorough.
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DBR_Renter_Record_Update
,@FirstName VARCHAR(50)
,@LastName VARCHAR(50)
,@Company VARCHAR(100)
,@Address1 VARCHAR(100)
,@Address2 VARCHAR(100)
,@City VARCHAR(100)
,@StateAbbr VARCHAR(2)
,@Zip VARCHAR(10)
,@Phone VARCHAR(20)
,@Email VARCHAR(100)
BEGIN UPDATE VCR.dbo.RenterRecords
SET ModifiedBy = 'TEST'
,LastModified = GETDATE()
,FirstName = @FirstName
,LastName = @LastName
,Company = @Company
,Address1 = @Address1
,Address2 = @Address2
,City = @City
,StateAbbr = @StateAbbr
,Zip = @Zip
,Phone = @Phone
,Email = @Email WHERE ID = @ID SELECT 'dbr.refresh' END
So, what am I missing and/or doing wrong here?