Editable Reports - dbr.report - Passing Updateable Paramaters

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. jdluth, Member

    I did my best to scour the forums for the answer to this question and I've reached the level of frustration to warrant asking... =)

    I have a report that displays a list of records. I then want to use a popup to allow the user to edit any of the presented values. The good news is that it works! Except... I can't figure out why the passed values aren't showing up for the user to edit. All I get is the button. If I don't pass a parameter then it'll offer me the option to fill in the blank. But if it's passed, with the <= it still ends up treating it like I had only specified =.

    Here's the main procedure:

    @SearchString varchar(50)
    select 'dbr.hidecolumn', 'ID'
    select 'dbr.report'
    ,'Email<=Email'; select
    from VCR.dbo.RenterRecords
    where lastname like '%' + @SearchString + '%'
    order by ID END

    If it matters/helps, I'm using MSSQL. And yeah, the parameters in sp_DBR_Renter_Record_Update match the column names. Here's that parameter just to be thorough.

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DBR_Renter_Record_Update
    @ID INT
    ,@FirstName VARCHAR(50)
    ,@LastName VARCHAR(50)
    ,@Company VARCHAR(100)
    ,@Address1 VARCHAR(100)
    ,@Address2 VARCHAR(100)
    ,@City VARCHAR(100)
    ,@StateAbbr VARCHAR(2)
    ,@Zip VARCHAR(10)
    ,@Phone VARCHAR(20)
    ,@Email VARCHAR(100)
    BEGIN UPDATE VCR.dbo.RenterRecords
    SET ModifiedBy = 'TEST'
    ,LastModified = GETDATE()
    ,FirstName = @FirstName
    ,LastName = @LastName
    ,Company = @Company
    ,Address1 = @Address1
    ,Address2 = @Address2
    ,City = @City
    ,StateAbbr = @StateAbbr
    ,Zip = @Zip
    ,Phone = @Phone
    ,Email = @Email WHERE ID = @ID SELECT 'dbr.refresh' END

    So, what am I missing and/or doing wrong here?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    There is really nothing wrong with the code, so it should work. We'll contact you directly to see what is causing your problem.

    myDBR Team


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