Demo database could not be created.

(2 posts) (2 voices)
  1. Hi

    I have just installed mydbr on a mac under XAMPP. I chose create Demo data option and got this error.

    Running script failed with error
    MySQL error 1318: Incorrect number of arguments for PROCEDURE mydbr.sp_MyDBR_ReportNew; expected 6, got 5

    CALL sp_MyDBR_ReportNew( -1, 'All Continents', 'sp_DBR_demo_continents', 'Show all continents', 1 )

    Please help


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    While doing the 2.3 update we overlooked the demo creation script. Script has now been updated and should install without errors. To obtain the updated scripts, go to 'About -> Update Now' and press 'Start' to update. The application has no changes.

    Thanks for reporting the issue,
    myDBR Team


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