Want to create a small chart like in Google Analytics

(6 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. Hi
    I like the way that google analytics creates a little thumbnail version of a chart that actually represents the data but has no title or x axis names or y-axis names essentially is just the trendline for the period.

    I have attempted to emulate this but I am falling short...

    I have used the following options. I checked the Fusion Documentation

    - showvalues works but showBorder and showAnchors does not seem to have any effect.

    SELECT 'dbr.subtitle', CONCAT('Page Analysis For The Period ');
    select 'dbr.chart', 'Line', 'P/A' ,200,200;
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showvalues' ,'0';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showAnchors', '0';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showBorder', '0';

    I need to remove the background, x axis, y axis etc.

    Please help.


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR Community version uses FusionCharts Free flash based charts for entry level charts. While it offers a range of options, there are limitations what you can do with it.

    Please consider the Premium version which includes full version of ChartDirector from Advanced Software Engineering. You have a full control of the charts. Also charts made with Premium version can be in variety of formats (PNG, SVG, PDF) allowing broader use cases.

    myDBR Team

  3. I have purchased the Premium Version of MyDbr.
    I have installed ChartDirector. from the site specified in the documentation. I presume the license for ChartDirector is managed by you guys and I do not have to purchase/do anything.

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    ChartDirector is included in the myDBR license.

    myDBR Team

  5. We are having trouble activate ChartDirector. I have used the following commands:

    select 'dbr.chart', 'MSLine', CONCAT('test The Number of Visitors By Day Between ',vStartDate, ' And ', vEndDate),1000,500; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'imagechart' ;

    select 'dbr.chart.options','axis', 'Days', 'Visitors'; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'scale', 0, 8000; select 'dbr.chart.options', 'showvalues' ,'0';

    select 'dbr.chart.options','rotateNames', 90; select 'dbr.chart.options','chartdirector', '$c->yAxis->setLogScale(300,700);$c->xAxis->setLabelStep(2);'; select 'dbr.chart.options','chartdirector', '$c->setBorder(0xEEEEEE);$c->setBackground(0xeeeeee);$c->setDropShadow();';

    But the flash is still being used.

    Which directory should ChartDirectory be installed? Is there something else to do? Other than unzip the tarfile from ChartDirector?

  6. myDBR Team, Key Master

    But the flash is still being used.

    You might want to see if your ChartDirector is installed. Take a look at 'Environment settings'-> 'Chart modules'.

    Which directory should ChartDirectory be installed? Is there something else to do? Other than unzip the tarfile from ChartDirector?

    To install ChartDirector, please copy everything from "ChartDirector/lib" (including the fonts subdirectory in Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris versions of ChartDirector) to the PHP extension directory.

    After you have copied the files, add the following line to your php.ini.


    where ### matches your server setup. Please see more infomation from ChartDirector documentation.

    myDBR Team


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