I have a working installation of myDBR which was pointing to a TEST MySQL db. This morning, I used mysqldump to copy the TEST mydbr database to the LIVE mysql server (using the --routines option to copy the SPs over as well), then switched the myDBR config over to the LIVE MySQL db, which prompted a reinstallation. In the reinstallation, via the web interface, I was prompted to have mydbr recreate objects which completed successfully.
Now, however, when I go to edit a mydbr report, I get the following error message:
Permission problem in MySQL reading report's parameters!In order for myDBR to read report's parameters, reports needs to be created under the same user account the myDBR is running (jcstevens@corpappswimp.meditech.com).
The report 'sp_DBR_Case_Narrative_2014-10-06' is now created under username jcstevens@%.
I found the following topic from 5 years ago, but the advice doesn't make sense to me.
My production reports are now inaccessible and I need to get these back up and running ASAP. Any ideas?