How to control the display order of the embedded report

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  1. TrungNS, Member

    I have a report that contain 2 parts

    1. Load a 2 table data from database by calling stored procedure
    call fap_woi.MyDBR_LoadData1(); --> table 1
    call fap_woi.MyDBR_LoadData2(); --> table 2

    2. Load an input grid form that let user input data. The requirement that when user input data, the report refresh only table 1.

    Currently I have to refresh all page by using callback

    select 'dbr.javascript', "function reload_callback()

    Currently, When I first go, report display the table, after few seconds of loading, the Ajax load the table 1 and push the table 2 down. That behaviour is not user-friendly. How can let the report display table 1, table at the same time. Some kind of waiting for table loading completed then display table 1, table?

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    If you want the report to display the initial content of table 1 without using Ajax, you can do that also. The dbr.embed_object code which you now places the object in a DIV with given id. What you need to do is to create that DIV yourself with desired content.

    So if you now have code:

    select 'dbr.embed_object', 'load1_result';
    select 'dbr.javascript', "$('.load1')[0].click()", 'onload';

    You will replace it with code:

    select 'dbr.html', '<div id="load1_result">';
    call fap_woi.MyDBR_LoadData1();
    select 'dbr.html', '</div>';

    myDBR Team

  3. TrungNS, Member

    However, I still want the load1_result reload when I edit data in the editable table 2

    select 'dbr.javascript', "function reload_callback()

    How can I do the reload content with using DIV?

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    The callback works as before, no change there.

    myDBR Team

  5. TrungNS, Member

    It works, thank Team for helping


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