Update demo tables to use InnoDB instead of MyISAM

(4 posts) (2 voices)
  1. eellis, Member

    It appears that the rest of the tables within MyDBR have already been converted to InnoDB, so this would bring the demo tables into line.

    This cause a problem for me when I installed the demo tables on the install that I have being driven by a Galera cluster. Due to limitations of Galera, MyISAM tables do not get replicated unless you have the (experimental) option to replicate them turned on.

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    the demo reports are quite outdated and we are working on a new demo set that will be more helpful.

    The demo reports itself are created with script mydbr_create_demo_mysql.sql. To use InnoDB tables, you can replace "ENGINE=MyISAM" with "ENGINE=InnoDB" in the file and reinstall the demos.

    myDBR Team

  3. eellis, Member

    Yep, I figured that out. I figured I'd mention it just to get it put somewhere in the event someone else has the same problem I did: All the tables got created, and they exist across the cluster, but all the other nodes that weren't being altered directly didn't have any data populated. It was weird to hear the new guy say "it only works occasionally" when looking at the demo reports. :)

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    We'll change the demo's to use InnoDB. On servers where InnoDB is not present, myDBR will revert back to MyISAM.

    myDBR Team


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