Colour with dbr.calc

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  1. xerxes42, Member


    I have a calculated column called diff and depending on how large the diff is it should be red or green. If I want all with diff less than 10 to be green I use:

    select 'dbr.calc', 'diff', '[Expected Value]-[Actual Value]'; select 'dbr.calc', 'color', "[diff]<=10 ? 'text_green' : 'text_red'";

    But I also want that if the diff is less than -10 it should be displayed as red again. What I want is to be able to say: All rows with diff between -10 and 10 should be green all other red.

    Any hints on how I can do this in MyDBR?


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    myDBR accepts any PHP expression in dbr.calc. So you can do:

    select 'dbr.calc', 'color', "([diff]<-10 || [diff]>10 ) ? 'text_red' : 'text_green'";

    Alternatively, you can do that directly in SQL, but then you would need to to the calculation in SQL.
    myDBR Team

  3. xerxes42, Member

    Thanks a lot!

    Usually I do the calculation in SQL but with this data set the diff was calculated between a value on each row and a SUM over multiple rows and then a multiple group to get it right.



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