Upgrade to 4.5 - Incorrect syntax near ','.

(5 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. ziuras, Member

    Hi i have an error on update procedure
    I use MS SQL server 2005
    if not exists (select * from mydbr_snippets) begin
    insert into mydbr_snippets (name, code, shortcut, cright, cdown)
    ('select-clause', 'select '+char(10)+'from '+char(10)+'where ', 'Ctrl-Alt-S', 7, 0),
    ('if-clause', 'if () begin'+char(10)+'end', 'Ctrl-I', 4, 0),
    ('if-else-clause', 'if () begin'+char(10)+'end else begin'+char(10)+'end', 'Ctrl-Alt-I', 4, 0),
    ('while-clause', 'while () begin'+char(10)+'end', 'Ctrl-Alt-W', 7, 0),
    ('create procedure', 'create procedure sp_DBR()'+char(10)+'as'+char(10)+'begin'+char(10)+''+char(10)+'end', 'Ctrl-P', 23, 0),
    ('create function', 'create function fn_() '+char(10)+'returns varchar(255)'+char(10)+'begin'+char(10)+''+char(10)+'declare @v_ret varchar(255)'+char(10)+''+char(10)+'return @v_ret'+char(10)+''+char(10)+'end'+char(10)+'go', '', 19,0),
    ('cursor', 'declare c_cursor cursor for '+char(10)+
    'select '+char(10)+
    'from '+char(10)+char(10)+
    'open c_cursor'+char(10)++char(10)+
    'fetch next from c_cursor '+char(10)+
    'into @'+char(10)+
    'while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin'+char(10)+
    ' -- Do something'+char(10)+
    ' fetch next from c_cursor into @'+char(10)+
    'close c_cursor'+char(10)+
    'deallocate c_cursor', '', 7, 1)

  2. ziuras, Member

    in mydbr database there are not 'mydbr_snippets' table.

  3. ziuras, Member

    Ok i created mydbr_snippets table
    but ms sql 2005 syntex alow only one row to be inserted at once.

    insert into table(c1, c2)
    values (1, 2)

    insert into table(c1, c2)
    values (3, 4)


    insert into table(c1, c2)
    select 1, 2 union all
    select 3, 4

  4. myDBR Team, Key Master

    it's an issue with SQL Server 2005. It's now fixed in the latest build. Thanks for reporting the issue.

    myDBR Team

  5. ziuras, Member

    Thanks, problem solved


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