Remove Zero'd Values from Chart

(2 posts) (2 voices)
  1. nsepetys, Member

    Hi myDBR Rep!

    I am trying to remove the points from my chart that do not actually have data but show up as zero'd values from my chart. This "flatlining" is too much to look at when there are 4+ lines on the chart. Please see the below picture for my example:

    Is there anyway to remove the beginning and ending flatlines for my charts? I am aware that in instances where there is not more than 1 point there will be no line but I am willing to deal with that for now.


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    when you select a value of zero it is a value as any other value. If you do not have data, you can select a NULL instead. myDBR will not show null values in chart (will show a gap instead).

    To deal with a situation where you only have one datapoint and no line would be drawn, you can set marker to show the datapoint in a series.

    So your report would look like this:

    select 'dbr.chart', 'msline';
    select 'dbr.chart.options', 'marker', null, 'CircleShape'; select Category, Series, Value
    from data;

    if you like, you can set different markers for each series by specifying the series name in marker option instead of the null (which will apply the same marker for each series).

    myDBR Team


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