Reporting on Multiple Databases/Servers/Platforms

(2 posts) (2 voices)


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  1. jw1n5, Member

    Based on what I have read, I understand that you can report from multiple servers/database instances by setting up remote server installations and performing remote calls to the different servers in your report queries. I had a question that I wasn't able to find answers on via searching (but maybe I didn't search hard enough, in which case I apologize in advance).

    I was wondering if it is possible to mix database platforms and, if so, what the licensing requirements are to accomplish that? Is it just as simple as setting up a SQL/MyDBR configuration on the one server and a MySQL/MyDBR on the other, then using remote calls from whichever will be the 'primary' reporting server to pull the data/reports from the 'secondary' server? Would it require two separate premium licenses for a SQL and MySQL configuration?


  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    With remote servers, you have two (or more) myDBR instances that can exchange information. All instances can server as normal myDBR reporting instances or you can use just one of them for reporting and use other(s) as a remote data source. You can also mix database vendors; use mixed SQL Server / MySQL databases.

    As for the licensing, myDBR is licensed per installation, so if you have two installations, you will need two licenses.

    myDBR Team


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