Chartdirector wrong chart

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  1. john, Member

    If i switch from chart director to flash this doesn't happen.
    I just upgraded from chartdirector 5.1 to 6 and it occurs in both versions.

    really weird, wait for one report to load before loading second and it is fine. but when i hit refresh or click the link in the mydbr menu for both reports within a couple of seconds (they are both 10 second reports) then the charts are identical in both reports. the only thing that is different in the reports is the title of the report.
    if i reload the report with the wrong charts the correct charts appear.
    if i wait for one report to load then request the other report the correct charts appear.

    When i add &export=sql to the end of the url the data is actually correct (ie not the same in both reports)

    Both reports are a title and 6 MS charts, almost identical just the charts have different values.

    i found two other almost idential reports (ie title and 6 ms series charts), but data is more different. if i load all four at once, basically the same thing happes it just gets weirder
    first two reports had same charts but the charts were from two different reports
    one report was perfect
    4th report had charts from two different reports (but not charts from first two)

    The 6 chart names in one report are different but it is the same chart names accross reports. I might be onto somthing here because even when it is a chart from a different report it appears in the correct order (or place in the report).

    Thsi is the name i mean "splicing"
    select 'dbr.chart', 'StackedBar','splicing';

    that didn't work, i added a character the that field for all charts in one report then tried to load that report and another at the same time and they had identical charts

  2. myDBR Team, Key Master

    there was a timing issue which could result to this behavior if "Use embedded charts" was turned off in settings and user would run multiple reports at same time. This has now been fixed in latest build. Just run the updater.

    Thank you for reporting the issue.
    myDBR Team

  3. nsepetys, Member

    thank you for reporting the issue, john. I had this issue a couple times before but I was not able to replicate what steps were causing the issue to crop up.


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