This is one of it, the simplest one. But actually the Chinese problem of pdf are happening on all reports.
select 'DBR.text', '壹加壹教育中心 (屯門分校)' as 'centername';
select '', 1;
select 'CHF1' as 'Code', '中一中文專科班(1.5小時)' as 'English', '中一中文專科班(1.5小時)' as 'Chinese中文', '10' as 'Max Size', '90' as 'Duration (min)', '' as 'remarks', 'Active' as 'status', 'Level' as 'Fee Calculation Method', '1' as 'No. of Classes or Months Per Enrollment'
union all
select 'CHF2', '中二中文專科班(1.5小時)', '中二中文專科班(1.5小時)', '10', '90', '', 'Active', 'Level', '1'
union all
select 'CHF3', '中三中文專科班(1.5小時)', '中三中文專科班(1.5小時)', '10', '90', '', 'Active', 'Level', '1'
union all
select 'CHF4', '中四中文專科班(1.5小時)', '中四中文專科班(1.5小時)', '10', '90', '', 'Active', 'Level', '1'
union all
select 'CHF5', '中五中文專科班(1.5小時)', '中五中文專科班(1.5小時)', '10', '90', '', 'Active', 'Level', '1'
union all
select 'CHF6', '中六中文專科班(1.5小時)', '中六中文專科班(1.5小時)', '10', '90', '', 'Active', 'Level', '1';
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